tests/testACC [ Unit tests ]

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!$Id: testACC.f90 526 2018-03-25 23:44:51Z mexas $

program testACC


Test the reproducible random seed routine cgca_ins. The idea is that if the number of images is kept constant, this program should produce the same fracture results on every run.


Cleavage propagation in a model with the given "box" size, mean grain size and the microstructure resolution values. MPI I/O is used for writing out grain and crack arrays. First need to call cgca_gdim, cgca_cadim to calculate all parameters of coarray space, including the number of nuclei. Then call solidification and then cleavage.


Anton Shterenlikht




cgca testaux


Part of CGPACK test suite


use testaux

implicit none

logical( kind=ldef ), parameter :: yesdebug=.true., nodebug=.false.,   &
 periodicbc=.true.,  noperiodicbc=.false.

! specify the total number of cleavage propagation iterations,
! and the number of times the fracture array will be dumped along
! the way
integer( kind=idef ), parameter ::                                     &
 itot = 300_idef,       & ! total cleavage iterations to do
 idmp = 10_idef           ! number of dumps to do along the way 

real, parameter :: gigabyte=real(2**30),                               &
! cleavage stress on 100, 110, 111 planes for BCC,
! see the manual for derivation.
 scrit(3) = (/ 1.05e4, 1.25e4, 4.90e4 /)

! integer :: ierr ! default integer needed for MPI

integer( kind=idef ) :: iter, fiter, ir(3), img, nimgs,                &
  ng,   & ! number of grains in the whole model
  c(3)    ! coarray dimensions

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:,:) [:,:,:]

integer( kind=ilrg ) :: icells, mcells

real( kind=rdef ) ::    &
 this_image(3,3),                & ! stress tensor
 qual,                  & ! quality
 bsz0(3),               & ! the given "box" size
 bsz(3),                & ! updated "box" size
 dm,                    & ! mean grain size, linear dim, phys units
 lres,                  & ! linear resolution, cells per unit of length
 res                      ! resolutions, cells per grain
real( kind=rdef ), allocatable :: grt(:,:,:)[:,:,:]

logical( kind=ldef ) :: solid
character(6) :: citer

! first executable statement

! physical dimensions of the box, assume mm
bsz0 = (/ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 /)

! mean grain size, linear dimension, e.g. mean grain diameter, also mm
dm = 3.0e-1

! resolution
res = 1.0e5

! In this test set the number of images via the env var
! the code must be able to cope with any value >= 1.
   img = this_image()
 nimgs = num_images()

! do a check on image 1
if ( img .eq. 1 ) then

 ! print a banner
 call banner("ACC")

 ! print the parameter values
 call cgca_pdmp
 write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "running on ", nimgs, " images in a 3D grid"

end if

! want to sync here to make sure the banner is
! printed before the rest.
sync all

! each image calculates the coarray grid dimensions
call cgca_gdim( nimgs, ir, qual )

! calculate the resolution and the actual phys dimensions
! of the box
! subroutine cgca_cadim( bsz, res, dm, ir, c, lres, ng )
! c - coarray sizes
! ir - coarray grid sizes
bsz = bsz0
call cgca_cadim( bsz, res, dm, ir, c, lres, ng )

! total number of cells in a coarray
icells = int( c(1), kind=ilrg ) *    &
         int( c(2), kind=ilrg ) *    &
         int( c(3), kind=ilrg )

! total number of cells in the model
mcells = icells * int( nimgs, kind=ilrg )

if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
  write ( *, "(9(a,i0), 2(tr1, es9.2), 3(a, es9.2), a)" )              &
    "img: ", img  , " nimgs: ", nimgs, " (", c(1) ,                    &
    ","    , c(2) , ","       , c(3) , ")[", ir(1),                    &
    ","    , ir(2), ","       , ir(3), "] ", ng   ,                    &
    qual, lres,                                                        &
    " (", bsz(1), ",", bsz(2), ",", bsz(3), ")"
  write (*,*) "dataset sizes for ParaView", c*ir
  write (*,'(a,i0)') "Cells on each image: ", icells
  write (*,"(a,es10.2)") "Total cells in the model",                   &
              product( real(c) * real(ir) )
end if

! allocate space coarray with two layers
! implicit sync all
call cgca_as(1, c(1), 1, c(2), 1, c(3), 1, ir(1), 1, ir(2), 1, 2, space)

! initialise the reproducible random number seed
call cgca_ins( yesdebug )

! allocate rotation tensors
call cgca_art( 1, ng, 1, ir(1), 1, ir(2), 1, grt )

! initialise space
space( :, :, :, cgca_state_type_grain ) = cgca_liquid_state
space( :, :, :, cgca_state_type_frac  ) = cgca_intact_state

! nuclei, sync all inside
call cgca_nr( space, ng, yesdebug )

! assign rotation tensors, sync all inside
call cgca_rt( grt )

! solidify, implicit sync all inside
!subroutine cgca_sld( coarray, periodicbc, iter, heartbeat, solid )
call cgca_sld( space, noperiodicbc, 0, 10, solid )

! initiate grain boundaries
call cgca_igb( space )

! smoothen the GB, several iterations, sync needed
! halo exchange, following smoothing
call cgca_gbs( space )
sync all
call cgca_hxi( space )
sync all
call cgca_gbs( space )
sync all
call cgca_hxi( space )
sync all

! update grain connectivity, local routine, no sync needed
call cgca_gcu( space )

! set a single crack nucleus in the centre of the x3=max(x3) face
space( c(1)/2, c(2)/2, c(3), cgca_state_type_frac )  &
        [ ir(1)/2, ir(2)/2, ir(3) ] = cgca_clvg_state_100_edge

! all images start MPI, used only for I/O here, so
! no need to start earlier
!call MPI_Init(ierr)

if ( img .eq. 1 ) write (*,*) "dumping model to files"

  ! dump space arrays to files, only image 1 does it, all others
  ! wait at the barrier, hence sync needed
  call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_grain, 10, "zg0.raw" )
  call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_frac,  10, "zf0.raw" )

if ( img .eq. 1) write (*,*) "finished dumping model to files"

sync all

! set the stress tensor
this_image = 0.0
this_image(1,1) = 1.0e6
this_image(2,2) = -1.0e6

! number of cleavage iterations between file dumps
fiter = itot/idmp

! propagate cleavage, sync inside, dump fracture arrays
! every certain number of increments.
do iter = 1, idmp

 ! Propagate cleavage, sync inside
 ! Run for fiter iterations
 ! subroutine cgca_clvgp( coarray, rt, t, scrit, sub, gcus,
 ! periodicbc, iter, heartbeat, debug )
 call cgca_clvgp( space, grt, this_image, scrit, cgca_clvgsd, cgca_gcupdn,      &
      noperiodicbc, fiter, 10, yesdebug )

 ! dump the fracture space array to files, only image 1 does it,
 ! all others wait at the barrier, hence sync needed.
 ! citer is the total number of cleavage fracture iterations,
 ! "c" for character date type.
 write ( citer, "(i0)" ) iter*fiter
 call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_frac, 10, &
                  "zf"//trim(citer)//".raw" )

 sync all

 if ( img .eq. 1 ) write (*,"(a)") &
  "Completed "//trim(citer)//" cleavage iterations"

end do

! deallocate all arrays, implicit sync all.
call cgca_ds( space )
call cgca_dgc
call cgca_drt( grt )

! terminate MPI
!call MPI_Finalize(ierr)

if ( img .eq. 1 ) write (*,*) "Test ACC completed sucessfully"

end program testACC