cgca_m3clvg/m3clvg_sm1 [ Submodules ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3clvg ] [ Submodules ]




!$Id: m3clvg_sm1.f90 491 2018-02-20 22:22:58Z mexas $

submodule ( cgca_m3clvg ) m3clvg_sm1


Submodule of module cgca_m3clvg. It contains subroutines dealing with updating the grain connectivity array.


Anton Shterenlikht




cgca_gcupda, cgca_gcupdn


All variables and parameters of module cgca_m3clvg by host association


The parent module cgca_m3clvg.


implicit none


m3clvg_sm1/cgca_gcupda [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ m3clvg_sm1 ] [ Subroutines ]




  module subroutine cgca_gcupda( periodicbc )
    logical( kind=ldef ), intent( in ) :: periodicbc


State of GB array in module cgca_m2gb is updated.


This routine reads gcupd from *all* images and adds the pairs to the local GB array on this image. In other words it implements an all-to-all communication pattern. If you want to use just the nearest neighbouring images, use cgca_gcupdn instead. Synchronisation must be used before and after calling this routine, to comply with the standard.


logical var periodicbc that is passed as input is ignored. This input var is provided only to make the interface this routine identical to cgca_gcupdn. Identical interfaces allow creating an abstract interface for both gcupd and gcupdn and thus pass the name of the routine as input to cgca_clvgp* cleavage propagation routines.


cgca_gcf, cgca_ico


integer( kind=idef ) :: i, j, img, nimgs, img_curr, rndint,            &
  cosub( cgca_scodim ), flag
integer( kind=kind(gcupd) ) ::                                         &
  gcupd_local( cgca_gcupd_size1, cgca_gcupd_size2 )
real :: rnd

logical :: l_tmp

! Just to suppress the unused compiler warning
l_tmp = periodicbc

  img = this_image()
nimgs = num_images()

! choose the first image at random
call random_number( rnd )   ! [ 0 .. 1 )
rndint = int( rnd*nimgs )+1 ! [ 1 .. nimgs ]

! Initialise flag with any value
flag = 0

! loop over all images, starting at a randomly chosen image
images: do j = rndint, rndint+nimgs-1

  ! Get the current image number.
  ! If it's > nimgs, subtract nimgs
  img_curr = j
  if ( img_curr .gt. nimgs ) img_curr = img_curr - nimgs

  ! Skip this image, because the gc array has already been updated
  ! in cgca_clvgsd.
  if ( img_curr .eq. img ) cycle images

  ! Calculate cosubscripts:
  call cgca_ico( img_curr, cosub, flag )
  if ( flag .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) &
      "ERROR: m3clvg/cgca_gcupda: cgca_ico exit with error: flag:", flag
    error stop
  end if

  ! copy gcupd from image j into a local var
  gcupd_local( : , : ) = gcupd( : , : ) [ cosub(1), cosub(2), cosub(3) ]

  gcarray: do i = 1, cgca_gcupd_size1

    ! The gcupd array is filled with fractured pairs from the beginning
    ! so exit as soon as the GB state is intact.
    if ( gcupd_local( i , 3 ) .eq. cgca_gb_state_intact ) exit gcarray

!write (*,*) "DEBUG: cgca_gcupd: img:", img, &
!            "gcupd_local(i,:):", gcupd_local( i , : )

    ! add the pair to the gc array on this image
    call cgca_gcf( gcupd_local( i , 1 ), gcupd_local( i , 2 ) )

 end do gcarray
end do images

end subroutine cgca_gcupda

m3clvg_sm1/cgca_gcupdn [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ m3clvg_sm1 ] [ Subroutines ]




  module subroutine cgca_gcupdn( periodicbc )
    logical( kind=ldef ), intent( in ) :: periodicbc


!    periodicbc - logical, .true. if the CA space has periodic BC,
!    and .false. otherwise.


State of GB array in module cgca_m2gb is updated


This routine reads gcupd from the *nearest neighbouring* images only, and adds the pairs to the local GB array on this image. If you want to read from all images, use cgca_gcupd. Synchronisation must be used before and after calling this routine, to comply with the standard.


This routine must be used only after gcupd has been allocated. A runtime error will result if gcupd has not been allocated yet.




integer( kind=idef ) :: i, j, k, s, mycod( cgca_scodim ),              &
 neicod( cgca_scodim )
integer( kind=kind(gcupd) ) ::                                     &
 gcupd_local( cgca_gcupd_size1, cgca_gcupd_size2 )

! Get my coindex set
if ( .not. allocated( gcupd ) ) then
  write (*,'(a)')                                                      &
     "ERROR: cgca_m3clvg/cgca_gcupdn: gcupd not allocated"
  error stop
end if
mycod = this_image( gcupd )

! Loop over all nearest neighbours, taking special attention of
! the images at the edges of the model
do i = -1 , 1
do j = -1 , 1
inner: do k = -1 , 1

  ! Get the coindex set of the neighbour
  neicod = mycod + (/ i, j, k /)

  ! Skip this image
  if ( all( neicod .eq. mycod ) ) cycle inner

  ! Dealing with edges
  ! Loop over all codimensions
  edges: do s = 1 , cgca_scodim

    ! If the neighbour is below the lower edge
    if ( neicod( s ) .lt. cgca_slcob( s ) ) then
      if ( periodicbc ) then
        ! If periodic BC are in use, take the data from the opposite
        ! edge.
        neicod( s ) = cgca_sucob( s )       
        ! Otherwise, do not pull data from this neighbour, move to
        ! the next one.
        cycle inner
      end if
    end if     

    ! If the neighbour is above the upper edge
    if ( neicod( s ) .gt. cgca_sucob( s ) ) then
      if ( periodicbc ) then
        ! If periodic BC are in use, take the data from the opposite
        ! edge.
        neicod( s ) = cgca_slcob( s )       
        ! Otherwise, do not pull data from this neighbour, move to
        ! the next one.
        cycle inner
      end if
    end if     

  end do edges

  ! Now the coindex set of the neighbour has been obtained.
  ! Pull its data

  ! Copy gcupd from the neighbouring image into a local var.
  ! Remote read.
  gcupd_local( : , : ) =                                               &
    gcupd( : , : ) [ neicod(1), neicod(2), neicod(3) ]

  ! Scan all values in gcupd. Can reuse loop index s.
  gcarray: do s = 1, cgca_gcupd_size1

    ! The gcupd array is filled with fractured pairs from the beginning
    ! so exit as soon as the GB state is intact.
    if ( gcupd_local( s , 3 ) .eq. cgca_gb_state_intact ) exit gcarray

    !write (*,*) "DEBUG: cgca_gcupd: img:", img, &
    !            "gcupd_local(i,:):", gcupd_local( i , : )

    ! add the pair to the gc array on this image
    call cgca_gcf( gcupd_local( s , 1 ), gcupd_local( s , 2 ) )

  end do gcarray

end do inner
end do
end do

end subroutine cgca_gcupdn