- 1. CGPACK/cgca_m2gb
- 1.1. cgca_m2gb/cgca_agc
- 1.2. cgca_m2gb/cgca_dgc
- 1.3. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gbs
- 1.4. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcf
- 1.5. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcf_pure
- 1.6. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcp
- 1.7. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcr
- 1.8. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcr_pure
- 1.9. cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcu
- 1.10. cgca_m2gb/cgca_igb
- 1.11. cgca_m2gb/gc
cgca_m2gb/cgca_agc [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_agc( len )
integer, intent( in ) :: len
Allocate gc array
Allocate the grain connectivity (gc) array, and set to zero. The first dimension is given by len. The second dimension is 3, because:
1 - grain number 2 - grain neighbour number 3 - grain boundary state - fractured or intact
integer :: errstat=0 allocate( gc(len,3), source=0_iarr, stat=errstat ) if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_agc: img: ", this_image(), & " cannot allocate gc, error code: ", errstat error stop end if end subroutine cgca_agc
cgca_m2gb/cgca_dgc [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_dgc
deallocate gc array
integer :: errstat deallocate( gc, stat=errstat ) if (errstat .ne. 0) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_dgc: img: ", this_image(), & " cannot deallocate gc, err code: ", errstat error stop end if end subroutine cgca_dgc
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gbs [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_gbs( coarray )
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: & coarray(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:]
state of coarray changes
This routines does Grain Boundary Smoothing (GBS). It works only with cgca_state_type_grain layer. For each cell that has neighbours from other grains the routine substites the cell value (grain number) by that of the grain that has most cells in the (3,3,3) neighbourhood. Example:
-> 2 5 5 5 / | 5 5 5 3 V 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1
The central cell is grain 1. In the (3,3,3) neighbourhood, including the central cell, there are 14 cells with grain 5, 11 cells with grain 1, and 2 cells with grain 8. The highest number of cells belong to grain 5, hence the central cell state in changed to 5.
There are no remote comms in this routine.
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: array(:,:,:) integer( kind=iarr ) :: neigh(27,2)=0_iarr, newgrain integer( kind=idef ) :: & lbv(4), & ! lower bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray ubv(4), & ! upper bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray lbr(4), & ! lower bounds of the "real" coarray, lower virtual+1 ubr(4), & ! upper bounds of the "real" coarray, upper virtual-1 x1,x2,x3, & ! local coordinates in an array, which are also n1,n2,n3 ! local coord. of the neighbours [-1,0,1] integer :: errstat,i ! determine the extents lbv = lbound(coarray) ubv = ubound(coarray) lbr = lbv+1 ubr = ubv-1 ! allocate the temp array allocate( array( lbv(1):ubv(1), lbv(2):ubv(2), lbv(3):ubv(3) ), & stat=errstat ) if (errstat .ne. 0) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gbs/cgca_m2gb: image: ", & this_image(), " allocate( array ): err. code: ", errstat error stop end if ! copy the grain layer to the temp array array = coarray(:,:,:,cgca_state_type_grain) ! loop over all cells do x3 = lbr(3), ubr(3) do x2 = lbr(2), ubr(2) do x1 = lbr(1), ubr(1) ! Construct the array with all neighbour numbers. ! Note, at this stage the array might contain non-grain ! phase, e.g. liquid, if the cell is at the model ! boundary, with non-grain halo cell neighbours. ! It is easier to ignore these cases on calculation. ! We'll simply forbid changing into non-grain state later. i=0 do n3 = -1,1 do n2 = -1,1 do n1 = -1,1 i=i+1 ! The first column of neigh array contains grain numbers ! for all 27 cells in the (3,3,3) array neigh(i,1) = array( x1+n1, x2+n2, x3+n3 ) end do end do end do ! Count the number of neighbours of each grain, and ! assign to the second column of array neigh. do i=1,27 neigh(i,2) = int( count( neigh(:,1) .eq. neigh(i,1) ), kind=iarr ) end do ! Get the grain number that has most cells in the neigh array newgrain = neigh( maxloc( neigh(:,2), dim=1 ), 1 ) if ( newgrain .ne. cgca_liquid_state ) & coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_grain) = newgrain end do end do end do ! deallocate the temp array ! The intention is that this routine is called only ! once, or, at best, only a few times, so keeping the ! array allocated for the duration of the execution is a waste. deallocate( array, stat=errstat ) if (errstat .ne. 0) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gbs/cgca_m2gb: image: ", & this_image(), " deallocate( array): err. code: ", errstat error stop end if end subroutine cgca_gbs
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcf [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_gcf( g1, g2 )
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ) :: g1, g2
gc array modified
This routine changes the state of the grain boundary integrity between the two provided grains to cgca_gb_state_fractured.
cgca_clvgsd, cgca_clvgsp, cgca_gcupdn
integer( kind=iarr ) :: tmp, grain1, grain2 integer :: matches, img, i, gclen, match1 img = this_image() !*********************************************************************72 ! sanity checks !*********************************************************************72 ! grains must be different. However, if there is no sync between images ! it's possible that 2 different images write to gcupd simultaneously, ! thus creating impossible combinations of GB pairs, including ! identical grain numbers for both grains. Let's issue a warning, not ! error for this case, and return, i.e. don't add this impossible pair. if ( g1 .eq. g2 ) then write (*,"(a,i0,tr1,i0,a,i0)") & "WARN: cgca_gcf: identical grain numbers: ", g1, g2, " image ", img return ! error stop end if !*********************************************************************72 ! end of sanity checks !*********************************************************************72 ! Use the local variables grain1 = g1 grain2 = g2 ! Make grain1 < grain2 if ( grain2 .lt. grain1 ) then tmp = grain1 grain1 = grain2 grain2 = tmp end if ! Look for matches matches = 0 match1 = 0_iarr gclen = ubound(gc,1) ! First match do i = 1, gclen if ( gc(i,1) .eq. grain1 .and. gc(i,2) .eq. grain2 ) then gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_fractured matches = matches+1 ! line number of the first match match1 = i exit end if end do ! Second match, start from the line with the first match do i = match1 + 1, gclen if ( gc(i,1) .eq. grain2 .and. gc(i,2) .eq. grain1 ) then gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_fractured matches = matches+1 exit end if end do ! Sanity check if ( matches .eq. 0 ) then ! don't issue the INFO message, just swamps the stdout ! perhaps better logic should be built in future ! write (*,'(2(a,i0),tr1,i0,a)') "INFO: cgca_gcf: image ", & ! img, " pair ", g1, g2, " does not exist." else if ( matches .ne. 2 ) then write (*,'(3(a,i0),",",tr1,i0,".")') "ERROR: cgca_gcf: image ", & img, ": found ", matches, " matches for pair: ", g1, g2 write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "ERROR: cgca_gcf: image ", img, & ": Should have found exactly two matches or none!" write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "ERROR: cgca_gcf: image ", img, & ": This means the gc array is corrupted. Aborting!" error stop end if end subroutine cgca_gcf
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcf_pure [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_gcf_pure( g1, g2, iflag ) ! Despite the name, this subroutine is actually not PURE! ! I overlooked a restriction that a pure subroutine cannot ! modify a variable accissible via host association, which ! is gc in this case.
integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in) :: g1, g2
integer, intent(out) :: iflag
gc array modified
This routine changes the state of the grain boundary integrity between the two provided grains to cgca_gb_state_fractured. IFLAG:
0 - successful termination 1 - the 2 grains are identical - probably fatal error 2 - there is no such pair in the array - probably a warning 3 - the number of grain pairs is not 2 - probably a fatal error
cgca_clvgsd, cgca_clvgsp, cgca_gcupdn
integer( kind=iarr ) :: tmp, grain1, grain2 integer :: matches, img, i, gclen, match1 img = this_image() ! The two grains must be different. If not set iflag to 1 and return ! immediately. if ( g1 .eq. g2 ) then iflag = 1 return end if ! Use the local variables grain1 = g1 grain2 = g2 ! Make grain1 < grain2 if ( grain2 .lt. grain1 ) then tmp = grain1 grain1 = grain2 grain2 = tmp end if ! Look for matches matches = 0 match1 = 0_iarr gclen = ubound(gc,1) ! First match do i = 1, gclen if ( gc(i,1) .eq. grain1 .and. gc(i,2) .eq. grain2 ) then ! CANNOT DO THIS in a PURE routine!!! ! READ the pure rules and fix!!! ! gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_fractured matches = matches+1 ! line number of the first match match1 = i exit end if end do ! Second match, start from the line with the first match do i = match1 + 1, gclen if ( gc(i,1) .eq. grain2 .and. gc(i,2) .eq. grain1 ) then ! CANNOT DO THIS in a PURE routine!!! ! READ the pure rules and fix!!! ! gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_fractured matches = matches+1 exit end if end do ! Sanity check if ( matches .eq. 0 ) then ! Set iflag to 2 and return immediately iflag = 2 return else if ( matches .ne. 2 ) then ! Set iflag to 3 and return immediately iflag = 3 return end if end subroutine cgca_gcf_pure
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcp [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_gcp( ounit, fname )
integer( kind=idef ), intent(in) :: ounit character( len=* ), intent(in) :: fname
create output file on each processor and dump gc array to it
Print grain connectivity (gc) array to file. Remember that gc is a *local* array, and hence this routine will write only the gc from the processor which called this routine. It is indended to be called from all images with file names supplied linked to the processor/image number via this_image.
integer :: i, errstat=0, img character( len=10) :: state img = this_image() ! open file open( unit=ounit, file=trim(fname), form="formatted", & status="replace", iostat=errstat ) if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gcp: img: ", img, & " cannot open file, error code: ", errstat error stop end if ! write data, one line at a time do i = 1, ubound( gc, dim=1 ) ! convert numerical values of intact and fractured into words if ( gc(i,3) .eq. cgca_gb_state_intact) then state = "intact" else if ( gc(i,3) .eq. cgca_gb_state_fractured) then state = "fractured" else write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gcp: image: ", img, & " state is neither intact nor fractured: ", gc(i,3) error stop end if ! actual write write ( unit=ounit, fmt="(2(i0,tr1),a10)", iostat=errstat) & gc(i,1:2), state if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gcp: image: ", img, & " cannot write to file, error code: ", errstat error stop end if end do ! close file close( ounit, iostat=errstat ) if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gcp: image: ", img, & " cannot close file, error code: ", errstat error stop end if end subroutine cgca_gcp
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcr [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_gcr( g1, g2, intact )
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ) :: g1, g2
logical( kind=ldef ), intent(out) :: intact
Find and return the boundary integrity state between 2 grains. Returns .true. if the boundary is intact, .false. if it is fractured. The routine does some simple checks and stops with errors where appropriate.
module cgca_m3clvg: cgca_clvgsd
integer( kind=iarr ) :: tmp, grain1, grain2 integer :: img, i logical :: match img = this_image() !**********************************************************************73 ! sanity checks !**********************************************************************73 ! grains must be different if ( g1 .eq. g2 ) then write (*,'(2(a,i0),tr1,i0,".")') "ERROR: cgca_gcr: image ", img, & ": The two grain numbers must differ: ", g1, g2 error stop end if !**********************************************************************73 ! end of sanity checks !**********************************************************************73 ! Use the local variables grain1 = g1 grain2 = g2 ! Make grain1 < grain2 if ( grain2 .lt. grain1 ) then tmp = grain1 grain1 = grain2 grain2 = tmp end if ! Look for matches match=.false. do i=1, ubound( gc, 1 ) mtch: if ( gc(i,1) .eq. grain1 .and. gc(i,2) .eq. grain2 ) then match = .true. if ( gc(i,3) .eq. cgca_gb_state_intact) then intact = .true. exit else if ( gc(i,3) .eq. cgca_gb_state_fractured) then intact = .false. exit else ! Must never end up here. This is an error write (*,'(a,i0)') & "ERROR: cgca_gcr: the state is neither intact nor fractured. & &Integrity of the gc array is broken. img: ", img error stop end if end if mtch end do ! Sanity check if (.not. match) then write (*,'(a,i0,a,i0,tr1,i0,".")') "WARN: cgca_gcr: image ", & img, ": No match found for given pair: ", g1, g2 write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "WARN: cgca_gcr: image ", img, & ": Returning .true. in intact!" intact = .true. end if end subroutine cgca_gcr
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcr_pure [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
pure subroutine cgca_gcr_pure( g1, g2, intact, iflag )
integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in) :: g1, g2
logical( kind=ldef ), intent(out) :: intact integer, intent(out) :: iflag
None, this is a PURE subroutine
Find and return the boundary integrity state between 2 grains. Returns .true. if the boundary is intact, .false. if it is fractured. The routine does some simple checks and stops with errors where appropriate.
Cannot have any external IO in a PURE subroutine. Hence all error conditions are returned back via integer flag, IFLAG. IFLAG meanings:
0 - successful completion 1 - The 2 grains are identical. This is a fatal condition, the caller routine should probably abort.
module cgca_m3clvg: cgca_clvgsd
integer( kind=iarr ) :: tmp, grain1, grain2 integer :: img, i logical :: match img = this_image() ! The 2 grains must be different. If not, set iflag=1, and ! return immediately. if ( g1 .eq. g2 ) then iflag = 1 return end if ! Use local variables grain1 = g1 grain2 = g2 ! Make grain1 < grain2 if ( grain2 .lt. grain1 ) then tmp = grain1 grain1 = grain2 grain2 = tmp end if ! Look for matches match=.false. do i=1, ubound( gc, 1 ) mtch: if ( gc(i,1) .eq. grain1 .and. gc(i,2) .eq. grain2 ) then match = .true. if ( gc(i,3) .eq. cgca_gb_state_intact) then intact = .true. exit else if ( gc(i,3) .eq. cgca_gb_state_fractured) then intact = .false. exit else ! Must never end up here. This is an error. Set iflag=2 and ! return immediately. iflag = 2 return end if end if mtch end do ! No match probably means something went wrong. This is probably ! not a fatal condition, but watch out! Set iflag=3 and return ! .true. in inact. if ( .not. match ) then iflag = 3 intact = .true. end if end subroutine cgca_gcr_pure
cgca_m2gb/cgca_gcu [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_gcu( coarray )
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), allocatable :: & coarray(:,:,:,:) [:,:,:]
Updated state of gc array
Update a local grain connectivity (gc) array. This means: scan the whole of the local real (no halos) model coarray. For each cell check all 26 neighbours. When a cell has a neighbour of a different number, this is understood as a grain boundary between the grains denoted by the states of both cells. If this pair is not already in gc, then it is added to it in the right place. gc is sorted, first by the first column, then by the second.
state(26,2) - 26 possible pairs of different states, and 2 states. In practice, 26 is a stupid value. This can only happen if a grain is only 1 cell, and if each of the 26 neighbouring cells has a unique different value. Anyway, defining the array of this size seems fool proof.
The 3rd entry in each row of gc is the grain boundary integrity, either cgca_gb_state_intact - intact or cgca_gb_state_fractured - fractured.
Only the (:,:,:,cgca_state_type_grain) values are used in this routine. The cgca_state_type_frac values are *not* used.
via module cgca_m2gb
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: tmp(:,:) integer( kind=iarr ) :: state(26,2) = 0_iarr integer :: errstat=0, x1, x2, x3, n1, n2, n3, lbr(4), ubr(4), pair, & con, img, gclen, i, j img = this_image() !*********************************************************************72 ! checks !*********************************************************************72 if ( .not. allocated(coarray) ) then write (*,'(a,i0)') "ERROR: cgca_gc: coarray not allocated, img: ", img error stop end if !*********************************************************************72 ! end of checks !*********************************************************************72 ! if gc not already allocated, allocate to zero length! if ( .not. allocated( gc ) ) call cgca_agc(0) ! Assume the coarray has halos. Ignore those lbr = lbound( coarray ) + 1 ubr = ubound( coarray ) - 1 do x3 = lbr(3), ubr(3) do x2 = lbr(2), ubr(2) inner: do x1 = lbr(1), ubr(1) ! Loop over 26 neighbours, find all neighbours with different states pair = 0 do n3 = x3-1, x3+1 do n2 = x2-1, x2+1 do n1 = x1-1, x1+1 ! if the states differ but no liquid if ( ( coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_grain) .ne. & coarray(n1,n2,n3,cgca_state_type_grain) ) & .and. & (coarray(n1,n2,n3,cgca_state_type_grain) .ne. & cgca_liquid_state) ) then ! this is another pair pair = pair + 1 ! add this pair to state array state( pair, 1 ) = coarray( x1, x2, x3, cgca_state_type_grain ) state( pair, 2 ) = coarray( n1, n2, n3, cgca_state_type_grain ) ! Make state(pair,1) < state(pair,2) if ( coarray(n1,n2,n3,cgca_state_type_grain) .lt. & coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_grain) ) then ! swap them state(pair,1) = coarray(n1,n2,n3,cgca_state_type_grain) state(pair,2) = coarray(x1,x2,x3,cgca_state_type_grain) end if end if end do end do end do ! At the end of the this loop, "state" array will have ! all pairs of different grains containg the central cell. ! Now all of these pair, which are not already in gc, need ! to be added there. ! For all identified pairs of states newcon: do con = 1, pair ! Check if this connectivity is already in the gc array. ! If yes, cycle to the next pair. gclen = ubound( gc, dim=1 ) do i = 1, gclen ! each pair repeats twice, so the order doesn't matter ! If the pair is already in gc, then cycle if ( gc(i,1) .eq. state(con,1) .and. & gc(i,2) .eq. state(con,2) ) cycle newcon end do ! If this connectivity is not yet in the gc array, then extend ! the gc array by 2 rows. gclen = gclen + 2 ! this should be replaced by MOVE_ALLOC!!! ! Allocate a temp array with length 2 more than gc, and set ! to intact. allocate( tmp(gclen, 3), source=0_iarr, stat=errstat ) if (errstat .ne. 0) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gc: img: ", img, & " cannot allocate tmp, error code: ", errstat error stop end if ! Copy gc to the beginning of the temp array tmp(1:gclen-2,:) = gc ! Can replace this with move_alloc, but I make use of the ! temp array later, so this is better! call cgca_dgc call cgca_agc( gclen ) gc = tmp !******************************************************** ! debug output ! !if (this_image() .eq. 1) then ! do k=1,gclen ! write (*,*) gc(k,:) ! end do ! write (*,*) "state1,state2",state(con,1),state(con,2) !end if !******************************************************** ! find where to insert the first pair: state(con,1), state(con,2) i1: do i=1,gclen ! If state(con,1) doesn't exist in the first row at all, but ! is smaller that some existing value if (state(con,1) .lt. gc(i,1)) then tmp(1:gclen-i-1,:) = gc(i:gclen-2,:) gc(i,1) = state(con,1) gc(i,2) = state(con,2) gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact gc(i+1:gclen-1,:) = tmp(1:gclen-i-1,:) exit i1 else if (state(con,1) .eq. gc(i,1)) then ! If state(con,1) already exists in the first column, then ! need to sort by the second column do j=i,gclen if (state(con,2) .lt. gc(j,2)) then tmp(1:gclen-j-1,:) = gc(j:gclen-2,:) gc(j,1) = state(con,1) gc(j,2) = state(con,2) gc(j,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact gc(j+1:gclen-1,:) = tmp(1:gclen-j-1,:) exit i1 else if (state(con,2) .gt. gc(j,2) .and. & gc(j+1,1) .ne. gc(j,1) ) then ! If state(con,2) is greater than all column 2 values, ! for the same column 1 value, just add it *after* this ! row. tmp(1:gclen-j-2,:) = gc(j+1:gclen-2,:) gc(j+1,1) = state(con,1) gc(j+1,2) = state(con,2) gc(j+1,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact gc(j+2:gclen-1,:) = tmp(1:gclen-j-2,:) exit i1 end if end do else if (i .gt. gclen-2) then ! If state(con,1) is greater than all column 1 values, just ! add it at the end. gc(i,1) = state(con,1) gc(i,2) = state(con,2) gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact exit i1 end if end do i1 ! Find where to insert the second pair: ! ( state(con,2), state(con,1) ). ! Note that as the first pair has been inserted already, ! this loop is not exactly as the previous one. i2: do i=1,gclen ! If state(con,2) doesn't exist in the first row at all, but ! is smaller that some existing value if (state(con,2) .lt. gc(i,1)) then tmp(1:gclen-i,:) = gc(i:gclen-1,:) gc(i,1) = state(con,2) gc(i,2) = state(con,1) gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact gc(i+1:gclen,:) = tmp(1:gclen-i,:) exit i2 else if (state(con,2) .eq. gc(i,1)) then ! If state(con,2) already exist in the first column, then ! need to sort by the second column by state(con,1) do j=i,gclen if (state(con,1) .lt. gc(j,2)) then tmp(1:gclen-j,:) = gc(j:gclen-1,:) gc(j,1) = state(con,2) gc(j,2) = state(con,1) gc(j,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact gc(j+1:gclen,:) = tmp(1:gclen-j,:) exit i2 else if (state(con,1) .gt. gc(j,2) .and. & gc(j+1,1) .ne. gc(j,1) ) then ! If state(con,1) is greater than all column 2 values, just ! add it *after* this row. tmp(1:gclen-j-1,:) = gc(j+1:gclen-1,:) gc(j+1,1) = state(con,2) gc(j+1,2) = state(con,1) gc(j+1,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact gc(j+2:gclen,:) = tmp(1:gclen-j-1,:) exit i2 end if end do else if (i .gt. gclen-1) then ! If state(con,2) is greater than all column 1 values, just ! add it at the end. gc(i,1) = state(con,2) gc(i,2) = state(con,1) gc(i,3) = cgca_gb_state_intact exit i2 end if end do i2 deallocate(tmp, stat=errstat ) if (errstat .ne. 0) then write (*,'(2(a,i0))') "ERROR: cgca_gcu: img: ", img, & " cannot deallocate tmp, err code: ", errstat error stop end if end do newcon end do inner end do end do end subroutine cgca_gcu
cgca_m2gb/cgca_igb [ Subroutines ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Subroutines ]
subroutine cgca_igb ( coarray )
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: & coarray(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:]
state of coarray changes
Initialise Grain Boundary (IGB) cells. Simply scan through the (:,:,:,cgca_state_type_grain) array and mark all cells which have a neighbour of a different state as cgca_gb_state_intact in (:,:,:,cgca_state_type_frac) array. Clearly this routine must be called before any fracture is simulated. Possibly a halo exchange should be called before and/or after calling this routine.
All images must call this routine. No remote comms in this routine.
integer( kind=idef ) :: & lbv(4), & ! lower bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray ubv(4), & ! upper bounds of the complete (plus virtual) coarray lbr(4), & ! lower bounds of the "real" coarray, lower virtual+1 ubr(4), & ! upper bounds of the "real" coarray, upper virtual-1 x1,x2,x3, & ! local coordinates in an array, which are also n1,n2,n3 ! local coord. of the neighbours [-1,0,1] ! determine the extents lbv = lbound(coarray) ubv = ubound(coarray) lbr = lbv+1 ubr = ubv-1 ! scan over all cells outer: do x3 = lbr(3), ubr(3) do x2 = lbr(2), ubr(2) do x1 = lbr(1), ubr(1) ! choose all neighbourhood cells inner: do n3 = x3-1, x3+1 do n2 = x2-1, x2+1 do n1 = x1-1, x1+1 ! Ignore the global halo cells if ( n1 .eq. lbv(1) .or. n1 .eq. ubv(1) .or. & n2 .eq. lbv(2) .or. n2 .eq. ubv(2) .or. & n3 .eq. lbv(3) .or. n3 .eq. ubv(3) ) cycle ! If the neighbouring grain .ne. the state of the central ! cell, then mark this central cell as GB in fracture ! array and exit if ( coarray(n1, n2, n3, cgca_state_type_grain) .ne. & coarray(x1, x2, x3, cgca_state_type_grain) ) then coarray(x1, x2, x3, cgca_state_type_frac) = cgca_gb_state_intact exit inner end if end do end do end do inner end do end do end do outer end subroutine cgca_igb
cgca_m2gb/gc [ Data structures ]
[ Top ] [ cgca_m2gb ] [ Data structures ]
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, save :: gc(:,:)
Local, *not* coarray, grain connectivity (gc) array. This array must be SAVEd.
gc is a private array. It is not accessible from outside of cgca_m2gb module, hence we can use a simple name, with no cgca_ prefix. gc is zero initially!
All routines of module cgca_m2gb: cgca_gcu, cgca_gcp, cgca_agc, cgca_dgc, cgca_gcf, cgca_gcr.
CGPACK/cgca_m2gb [ Modules ]
!$Id: cgca_m2gb.f90 529 2018-03-26 11:25:45Z mexas $ module cgca_m2gb
Module dealing with grain boundaries. Most routines in this module are concerned with creating, updating and printing of the *local* array gc.
Anton Shterenlikht
cgca_gcu, cgca_gcp, cgca_dgc, cgca_gcf, cgca_gcr, cgca_gbs, cgca_agc (private to this module), cgca_gcr_pure, cgca_gcf_pure
use cgca_m1co implicit none private public :: cgca_dgc, cgca_gbs, cgca_gcf, cgca_gcp, cgca_gcr, & cgca_gcu, cgca_igb, & ! Do not use! NOt READY! cgca_gcr_pure, cgca_gcf_pure