tests/testABR [ Unit tests ]

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!$Id: testABR.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $

program testABR


Checking: cgca_igb, cgca_clvgp_nocosum (no CO_SUM version),



Checking cleavage propagation across grain boundary with many grains. Grain boundaries are initiated before cleavage. The intention is to compare with test ABB, to see if explicit GB make any difference. Put a single crack nucleus at the centre of one of the faces of the model.

With no grain boundary smoothing, crack finds it very hard to propagate across a grain boundary. This is because the GB is locally very irregular, and it is likely the first cell in the new grain will find itself in some sort of corner or a tunnel, from where it cannot see enough neighbours of the same grains to propagate into. Hence use cgca_gbs, at least once, possibly multiple iterations.


The program must be called with 2 command line arguments, both positive integers. These are codimensions along 1 and 2. The number of images must be such that codimension3 = num_images()/( codimension1 * codimension3 ) is a positive integer. Example:

      ./testABR.x 2 2

which will make the third codimension equal to 16/(2*2)=4.


Anton Shterenlikht




cgca testaux


Part of CGPACK test suite


use testaux

implicit none

logical( kind=ldef ), parameter :: yesdebug=.true., nodebug=.false., &
 periodicbc=.true.,  noperiodicbc=.false.

real, parameter :: gigabyte=real(2**30), resolution=1.0e-5,          &
! cleavage stress on 100, 110, 111 planes for BCC,
! see the manual for derivation.
 scrit(3) = (/ 1.05e4, 1.25e4, 4.90e4 /)

real( kind=rdef ), allocatable :: grt(:,:,:)[:,:,:]
real( kind=rdef ) :: this_image(3,3)   ! stress tensor

integer( kind=idef ) :: l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,  &
 cou3, nuc, nimages, codim(3)[*], iter
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:]
integer( kind=ilrg ) :: icells,mcells

real :: image_storage

logical( kind=ldef ) :: solid, image1
character(6) :: image

! first executable statement

nimages = num_images()
 image1 = .false.
if (this_image() .eq. 1) image1 = .true.

! do a check on image 1
if (image1) then
 call getcodim(nimages,codim)
 ! print a banner
 call banner("ABR")
 ! print the parameter values
 call cgca_pdmp
 write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "running on ", nimages, " images in a 3D grid"
end if

sync all

codim(:) = codim(:)[1]

l1 = 1
l2 = l1
l3 = l1

u1 = 2**7 ! 128
u2 = u1
u3 = u1

col1 = 1
cou1 = codim(1) - col1 + 1
col2 = 1
cou2 = codim(2) - col2 + 1
col3 = 1
cou3 = codim(3) - col3 + 1

! total number of cells in a coarray
icells = int( u1-l1+1, kind=ilrg ) *    &
         int( u2-l2+1, kind=ilrg ) *    &
         int( u3-l3+1, kind=ilrg )

! total number of cells in the model
mcells = icells * int( nimages, kind=ilrg )

! total number of nuclei
! nuc should not exceed resolution*mcells
nuc = 20

100 format( a,3(i0,":",i0,a) )

if (image1) then
  write (*,100) "bounds: (", l1,u1,",", l2,u2,",", l3,u3, ")"
  write (*,100) "cobounds: [", &
    col1,cou1,",", col2,cou2,",", col3,cou3, "]"

  ! An absolute minimum of storage, in GB, per image.
  ! A factor of 2 is used because will call _sld, which
  ! allocates another array of the same size and kind as
  ! coarray.
  image_storage = real(2 * icells*storage_size(space)/8)/gigabyte

  write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Each image has ",icells, " cells"
  write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", mcells, " cells"
  write (*,'(a,i0)') "Max recommended nuclei ",                        &
                     int( resolution* real( mcells ) )
  write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", nuc, " nuclei"
  write (*,'(a,es9.2,a)') "Each image will use at least ",             &
                           image_storage, " GB memory"
end if

! initialise random number seed
call cgca_irs( nodebug )

! allocate space with two layers
call cgca_as( l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,2,space )

! allocate rotation tensors
call cgca_art( 1, nuc, col1, cou1, col2, cou2, col3, grt )

! initialise space
space( :, :, :, cgca_state_type_grain ) = cgca_liquid_state
space( :, :, :, cgca_state_type_frac  ) = cgca_intact_state

! nuclei, sync all inside
call cgca_nr( space, nuc, yesdebug )

! assign rotation tensors, sync all inside
call cgca_rt( grt )

! set a single crack nucleus in the centre of the front face
space( u1/2, u2/2, u3, cgca_state_type_frac )[ cou1/2, cou2/2, cou3] = &

! solidify, implicit sync all inside
call cgca_sld( space, noperiodicbc, 0, 10, solid )

! smoothen the GB, several iterations, sync needed
do iter=1,2
  call cgca_gbs( space )
  sync all

  ! halo exchange, following smoothing
  call cgca_hxi( space )
  sync all
end do

! update grain connectivity, local routine, no sync needed
call cgca_gcu( space )

! initiate grain boundaries
call cgca_igb( space )

! dump grain connectivity to files, local routine, no sync needed
write ( image, "(i0)" ) this_image()
call cgca_gcp( ounit=10, fname="z_gc_1_"//image )

if ( image1 ) write (*,*) "dumping model to files"

! dump space arrays to files, only image 1 does it, all others
! wait at the barrier, hence sync needed
call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_grain, 10, "zg1.raw" )
call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_frac,  10, "zf1.raw" )

if ( image1 ) write (*,*) "finished dumping model to files"

sync all

! set the stress tensor
this_image = 0.0
this_image(1,1) = 1.0e6
this_image(2,2) = -1.0e6

! propagate cleavage, sync inside
! subroutine cgca_clvgp_nocosum( coarray, rt, t, scrit, sub,
!    gcus, periodicbc, iter, heartbeat, debug )
call cgca_clvgp_nocosum( space, grt, this_image, scrit, cgca_clvgsd,            &
     cgca_gcupdn, noperiodicbc, 300, 10, yesdebug )

! dump grain connectivity to files, local routine, no sync needed.
write ( image, "(i0)" ) this_image()
call cgca_gcp( ounit=10, fname="z_gc_2_"//image )

! dump the fracture space array to files, only image 1 does it,
! all others wait at the barrier, hence sync needed
call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_frac, 10, "zf2.raw" )

! However, since there's nothing more to do, no sync is needed.

! deallocate all arrays, implicit sync all.
call cgca_ds( space )
call cgca_dgc
call cgca_drt( grt )

if ( image1 ) write (*,"(a)") "Test ABR completed sucessfully"

end program testABR