tests/hxvn_timing_co [ Unit tests ]

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!$Id: hxvn_timing_co.f90 548 2018-04-27 14:49:39Z mexas $

program hxvn_timing_co


Time HX for HCA, WCA and MPI. No computation or any other work is done. Several HX sizes are used.


Must work on any number of images, except when a good decomposition cannot be made. The user needs know nothing about sync.



Anton Shterenlikht






Part of casup test suite


use casup

implicit none

integer( kind=iarr ), parameter :: huge_iarr = huge(0_iarr)

real( kind=rdef ) :: &
  qual,              & ! quality
  bsz0(3),           & ! the given "box" size
  bsz(3),            & ! updated "box" size
  dm,                & ! mean grain size, linear dim, phys units
  lres,              & ! linear resolution, cells per unit of length
  res                  ! resolutions, cells per grain

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]

integer( kind=idef ) :: ir(3), nimgs, img, ng, c(3), hsize, i, iter

integer( kind=ilrg ) :: icells, mcells

real, allocatable :: rnd(:,:,:)
real( kind=kind(1.0d0) ) :: time1, time2

! integer :: ierr
! logical :: flag

! first executable statement

  img = this_image()
nimgs = num_images()

! do a check on image 1
if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
  write (*,*) "running on", nimgs, "images in a 3D grid"
  write (*,*) "iarr kind:", iarr, "huge(0_iarr):", huge_iarr

  ! In this test space is assigned only 0 or 1, and no collectives,
  ! so even 1 byte integers will do.
end if

! each image calculates the coarray grid dimensions
call cgca_gdim( nimgs, ir, qual )

  dm = 1.0 ! cell size
 res = 1.0 ! resolution

! Loop over several box sizes, i.e. halo sizes
main: do i=1,35

  ! 50, 100, 150 
  bsz0 = (/ 100*i, 100*i, 100*i /) ! numbers of cells in CA space
  ! calculate the resolution and the actual phys dimensions of the box
  ! subroutine cgca_cadim( bsz, res, dm, ir, c, lres, ng )
  ! c - coarray sizes
  ! ir - coarray grid sizes
  bsz = bsz0
  call cgca_cadim( bsz, res, dm, ir, c, lres, ng )
  ! Check that the partition is sane
  if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
    if ( any(int(bsz) .ne. int(bsz0) ) ) then
      write (*,*)                                                      &
        "ERROR: bad decomposition - use a 'nicer' number of images"
      write (*,*) "ERROR: wanted         :", int(bsz0)
      write (*,*) "ERROR: but got instead:", int(bsz)
      error stop
    end if
    ! total number of cells in a coarray
    icells = int( c(1), kind=ilrg ) * int( c(2), kind=ilrg ) *         &
           int( c(3), kind=ilrg )
    ! total number of cells in the model
    mcells = icells * int( nimgs, kind=ilrg )
    ! Halo size 
    hsize = c(1)*c(2)

    write ( *, "(8(a,i0),tr1,g10.3,tr1,g10.3,3(a,g10.3),a)" )          &
      "nimgs: ", nimgs, " (", c(1), "," , c(2), "," , c(3), ")[",      &
      ir(1), "," , ir(2), "," , ir(3), "] ", ng, qual, lres,           &
      " (", bsz(1), ",", bsz(2), ",", bsz(3), ")"
    write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Each image has ",icells, " cells"
    write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", mcells, " cells"
    write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Halo size is ", hsize, " cells"
  end if
  ! MPI
  ! init
  ! lines
  ! here
  ! in
  ! test_mpi_hxvn

  ! allocate space array
  !    space - CA array to allocate, with halos!
  !        c - array with space dimensions
  !        d - depth of the halo layer
  !       ir - codimensions
  call ca_co_spalloc( space, c, 1, ir )

  ! Very crude RND
  allocate( rnd( size(space, dim=1), size(space, dim=2),               &
                 size(space, dim=3) ) )
  call random_number( rnd )
  space = nint( rnd, kind=iarr ) ! Just 0 or 1

  ! allocate hx array coarrays, implicit sync all
  ! ir(3) - codimensions
  !call ca_halloc( ir )

  ! MPI subarray types in
  ! test_mpi_hxvn

  ! do several HX, remote ops, sync inside
  ! Make sure the timer covers the slowest image
  sync all
  time1 = cgca_benchtime()
  do iter=1,10
    call ca_co_hx_all(  space )
  end do
  ! Make sure the timer covers the slowest image
  sync all
  time2 = cgca_benchtime()
  if (img .eq. 1) write (*,*) "Halo, cells:", hsize, ". Time, s:",     &
  ! deallocate arrays
  !call ca_hdalloc
  deallocate( space )
  deallocate( rnd )

  ! Free MPI types in
  ! test_mpi_hxvn

end do main

if (img .eq. 1 ) write (*,*) "PASS"

end program hxvn_timing_co