ca_hx/ca_hx_co [ Submodules ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Submodules ]




!$Id: ca_hx_co.f90 560 2018-10-14 19:02:34Z mexas $

submodule ( ca_hx ) ca_hx_co


Submodule with routines for whole CA implemented with coarrays, not just halos.


Anton Shterenlikht







implicit none


ca_hx_co/ca_co_hx_all [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_hx_all( space )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]

!    space - coarray array with CA model


!    space is updated, just the halo layers




There is pair-wise handshake sync between images. Each image, except those on the boundary, will send halos to and receive halos from 6 neighbouring images.




! An image updates its space coarray halo layer (left side)
! along direction 1 from the last layer in the coarray on an image
! which is 1 lower along codimension 1.
if ( ci(1) .ne. 1 ) then
  sync images( nei_img_L(1) )
  space( lhsta(1):0,           1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =                 &
    space( ihsta(1) : sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )                   &
      [ nei_ci_L1(1), nei_ci_L1(2), nei_ci_L1(3) ]
end if

! An image updates its space coarray halo layer (right side)
! along direction 1 from the 1st layer in the coarray on an image
! which is 1 higher along codimension 1.
if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  sync images( nei_img_R(1) )
  space( rhsta(1) : rhend(1) , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =                 &
    space( 1 : hdepth        , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )                   &
      [ nei_ci_R1(1), nei_ci_R1(2), nei_ci_R1(3) ]
end if

! An image updates its space coarray halo layer (left side)
! along direction 2 from the last layer in the coarray on an image
! which is 1 lower along codimension 2.
if ( ci(2) .ne. 1 ) then
  sync images( nei_img_L(2) )
  space(   1:sub(1) , lhsta(2) : 0,       1:sub(3) ) =                 &
    space( 1:sub(1) , ihsta(2) : sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )                   &
      [ nei_ci_L2(1), nei_ci_L2(2), nei_ci_L2(3) ]
end if

! An image updates its space coarray halo layer (right side)
! along direction 2 from the 1st layer in the coarray on an image
! which is 1 higher along codimension 1.
if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  sync images( nei_img_R(2) )
  space(   1:sub(1) , rhsta(2) : rhend(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =               &
    space( 1:sub(1) , 1 : hdepth          , 1:sub(3) )                 &
      [ nei_ci_R2(1), nei_ci_R2(2), nei_ci_R2(3) ]
end if

! An image updates its space coarray halo layer (left side)
! along direction 3 from the last layer in the coarray on an image
! which is 1 lower along codimension 3.
if ( ci(3) .ne. 1 ) then
  sync images( nei_img_L(3) )
  space(   1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , lhsta(3) : 0 ) =                      &
    space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , ihsta(3) : sub(3) )                   &
    [ nei_ci_L3(1), nei_ci_L3(2), nei_ci_L3(3) ]
end if

! An image updates its space coarray halo layer (right side)
! along direction 3 from the 1st layer in the coarray on an image
! which is 1 higher along codimension 3.
if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  sync images( nei_img_R(3) )
  space(   1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , rhsta(3) : rhend(3) ) =               &
    space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , 1 : hdepth )                          & 
      [ nei_ci_R3(1), nei_ci_R3(2), nei_ci_R3(3) ]
end if

end subroutine ca_co_hx_all

ca_hx_co/ca_co_hx_check [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_hx_check( space, flag )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]

!    space - CA array coarray


integer, intent( out ) :: flag

!    flag .eq. 0 - check passed
!    flag .ne. 0 - check failed




This routine is of very limited use. It checks hx code for only a single case - all images set all their cell values to this_image() and then a single hx step is done. In this case I'm sure what's in my halos. So just check for this and either return flag=0 or flag > 0 indicating which halo failed. Fail values:

      0  - pass, no failures
      1  - test 1 failed
      2  - test 2 failed
      3  - tests 1,2 failed
      4  - test 3 failed
      5  - tests 1,3 failed
      6  - tests 2,3 failed
      7  - tests 1,2,3 failed
      8  - test 4 failed
      9  - tests 1,4 failed
      10 - tests 2,4 failed
      11 - tests 1,2,4 failed
      12 - tests 3,4 failed
      13 - tests 1,3,4 failed
      14 - tests 2,3,4 failed
      15 - tests 1,2,3,4 failed
      16 - test 5 failed

and so on.




! coindex set and the image number of the neighbour
integer :: i(3), n

flag = 0

! Test 1
if ( ci(1) .ne. 1 ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1)-1, ci(2), ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( space, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( lhsta(1):0,        1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 1
end if

! Test 2
if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1)+1, ci(2), ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( space, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( rhsta(1):rhend(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 2
end if

! Test 3
if ( ci(2) .ne. 1 ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2)-1, ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( space, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), lhsta(2):0,        1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 4
end if

! Test 4
if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2)+1, ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( space, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), rhsta(2):rhend(2), 1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 8
end if

! Test 5
if ( ci(3) .ne. 1 ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)-1 /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( space, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), lhsta(3):0 )        .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 16
end if

! Test 6
if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)+1 /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( space, i )     ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), rhsta(3):rhend(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 32
end if

end subroutine ca_co_hx_check

ca_hx_co/ca_co_ising_energy [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_ising_energy( space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel, &
  energy, magnet )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)[:,:,:]
procedure( hx_co_proto )  :: hx_sub
procedure( iter_proto )   :: iter_sub
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel

!       space - space coarray before iterations start
!      hx_sub - HX routine
!             - ca_co_hx_all
!    iter_sub - the subroutine performing a single CA iteration, e.g.
!             - ca_co_iter_tl - triple nested loop
!             - ca_co_iter_dc - do concurrent
!             - ca_co_iter_omp - OpenMP
!      kernel - a function to be called for every cell inside the loop


integer( kind=ilrg ) , intent(out) :: energy, magnet

!    energy - Total energy of CA system
!    magnet - Total magnetisation of the CA system


module array tmp_space is updated


Calculate the total energy and the total magnetisation of CA using ising model. These integer values might be very large so I'm using a large integer kind (ilrg). This routine uses collectives. Magnetisation is defined as the fraction of the 1 spins. The only valid kernel is ca_kernel_ising_ener.




call hx_sub( space )                   ! space updated, sync images
call iter_sub( space, hdepth, kernel ) ! tmp_space updated, local op
energy =                                                               & 
  int( sum( tmp_space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) ), kind=ilrg )
magnet =                                                               & 
  int( sum(     space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) ), kind=ilrg )

call co_sum( energy )
call co_sum( magnet )

end subroutine ca_co_ising_energy

ca_hx_co/ca_co_naive_io [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_naive_io( coarray, fname )


integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent( in ) :: coarray(:,:,:)[:,:,:]
character( len=* ),intent( in ) :: fname

!    - coarray - what array to dump
!    - fname - what file name to use


A single binary file is created on image 1 with contents of coarray.


All images call this routine! However only image 1 does all the work. The other images are waiting.




none, end user.


integer :: ierr=0, coi1, coi2, coi3, i2, i3, funit=0,                &
  lb(3),   & ! lower bounds   of the coarray
  ub(3),   & ! upper bounds   of the coarray
  lcob(3), & ! lower cobounds of the coarray
  ucob(3)    ! upper cobounds of the coarray

! Only image1 does this. All other images do nothing.
! So sync all probably should be used after a call to
! this routine in the program.

main: if ( this_image() .eq. 1 ) then

  ! Assume the coarray has halos. Don't write those.
    lb = lbound( coarray ) + hdepth
    ub = ubound( coarray ) - hdepth
  lcob = lcobound( coarray )
  ucob = ucobound( coarray )

  open( newunit=funit, file=fname, form="unformatted",                &
        access="stream", status="replace", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_naive_io: open:", ierr
    error stop
  end if

 ! nested loops for writing in correct order from all images
 do coi3 = lcob(3), ucob(3)
  do i3 = lb(3), ub(3)
   do coi2 = lcob(2), ucob(2)
    do i2 = lb(2), ub(2)
     do coi1 = lcob(1), ucob(1)
       write( unit=funit, iostat=ierr )                                &
            coarray( lb(1):ub(1), i2, i3 ) [ coi1, coi2, coi3 ]
     end do
    end do
   end do
  end do
 end do

 close( unit=funit, iostat=ierr )
 if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
   write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_naive_io: close:", ierr
  error stop
 end if

end if main

end subroutine ca_co_naive_io

ca_hx_co/ca_co_netcdf [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_netcdf( space, fname )
use netcdf


     integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), allocatable ::                &
       space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
     character( len=* ), intent( in ) :: fname

!    coarray - what coarray to dump
!    fname - what file name to use


!    None


A single binary file is created using netcdf with contents of coarray.


Parallel Stream Write Coarray of Integers: All images must call this routine!

MPI must be initialised prior to calling this routine, most probably in the main program. Likewise MPI must be terminated only when no further MPI routines can be called. This will most likely be in the main program. There are some assumptions about the shape of the passed array.

The default integer is assumed for the array at present!


Anton Shterenlikht, adapted from the code written by David Henty, Luis Cebamanos, EPCC


Note that this routine has special Copyright conditions.

    !                                                                            !
    !  netCDF routine for Fortran Coarrays                                       !
    !                                                                            !
    !  David Henty, EPCC;                                  !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Copyright 2013 the University of Edinburgh                                !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Licensed under the Apache LICENSE, Version 2.0 (the "LICENSE");           !
    !  you may not use this file except in compliance with the LICENSE.          !
    !  You may obtain a copy of the LICENSE at                                   !
    !                                                                            !
    !                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       !
    !  distributed under the LICENSE is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         !
    !  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  !
    !  See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and       !
    !  limitations under the LICENSE.                                            !
    !                                                                            !


MPI library, netCDF library


none, end user.


integer, parameter :: totdim = 3, arrdim = totdim, coardim = 3

integer :: img, nimgs, comm, ierr=0, rank=0, mpisize=0
integer, dimension(totdim) :: asizehal
integer, dimension(arrdim) :: arrsize, arstart, artsize
integer, dimension(coardim) :: coarsize, copos

integer :: ncid=0, varid=0, dimids(arrdim)
integer :: x_dimid=0, y_dimid=0, z_dimid=0

  img = this_image()
nimgs = num_images()

asizehal(:) = shape( space )
   copos(:) = this_image( space )

! Subtract halos
 arrsize(:) = asizehal(1:arrdim) - 2*hdepth
coarsize(:) = ucobound(space) - lcobound(space) + 1

! Does the array fit exactly?
if ( product( coarsize ) .ne. nimgs) then
 write(*,*) 'ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: non-conforming coarray'
 error stop
end if

call MPI_Comm_size( comm, mpisize, ierr )
call MPI_Comm_rank( comm, rank, ierr )

! Sanity check
if ( mpisize .ne. nimgs .or. rank .ne. img-1 ) then
  write(*,*) 'ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: MPI/coarray mismatch'
  error stop
end if

! This is the global arrayy
artsize(:) = arrsize(:) * coarsize(:)

! Correspondent portion of this global array 
arstart(:) = arrsize(:) * (copos(:)-1) + 1 ! Use Fortran indexing

! ! debug
! write (*,*) "netCDF-image",img, "asizehal", asizehal, "copos", copos,         &
!  "arrsize", arrsize, "coarsize", coarsize,                            &
!  "artsize", artsize, "arstart", arstart

! Create (i.e. open) the netCDF file. The NF90_NETCDF4 flag causes a 
! HDF5/netCDF-4 type file to be created. The comm and info parameters 
! cause parallel I/O to be enabled. 
ierr = nf90_create( fname, ior(nf90_netcdf4,nf90_mpiio), ncid, &
                    comm=comm, info=MPI_INFO_NULL )
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_create:",               &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! Define the dimensions. NetCDF returns an ID for each. Any 
! metadata operations must take place on ALL processors
ierr = nf90_def_dim( ncid, "x", artsize(1), x_dimid )
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_def_dim X:",            &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

ierr = nf90_def_dim( ncid, "y", artsize(2), y_dimid )
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_def_dim Y:",            &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

ierr = nf90_def_dim( ncid, "z", artsize(3), z_dimid )
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_def_dim Z:",            &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! The dimids array is used to pass the ID's of the dimensions of 
! the variables. 
dimids = (/ x_dimid , y_dimid, z_dimid /)

! Define the variable. The type of the variable in this case is
! NF90_INT (4-byte int).
ierr = nf90_def_var(ncid, "data", NF90_INT, dimids, varid) 
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_def_var:",              &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! Make sure file it not filled with default values
! which doubles wrote volume
ierr = nf90_def_var_fill(ncid, varid, 1, 1) 
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_def_var_fill:",         &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! End define mode. This tells netCDF we are done defining
! metadata. This operation is collective and all processors will
! write their metadata to disk.
ierr = nf90_enddef(ncid)
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr ) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_enddef:",               &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! Parallel access
ierr = nf90_var_par_access( ncid, varid, nf90_collective )
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr ) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_var_par_access:",       &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! Write the data to file, start will equal the displacement from the 
! start of the file and count is the number of points each proc writes. 
ierr = nf90_put_var( ncid, varid,                                      &
             space( 1:arrsize(1), 1:arrsize(2), 1:arrsize(3) ),        &
             start = arstart, count = arrsize ) 
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_put_var:",              &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

! Close the file. This frees up any internal netCDF resources
! associated with the file, and flushes any buffers.
ierr = nf90_close(ncid)
if ( ierr .ne. nf90_noerr) then 
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_co_netcdf: nf90_close:",                &
              nf90_strerror( ierr )
  error stop
end if

end subroutine ca_co_netcdf

ca_hx_co/ca_co_run [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_run( space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel, niter )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
procedure( hx_co_proto )  :: hx_sub
procedure( iter_proto )   :: iter_sub
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel
integer, intent(in) :: niter
!       space - space coarray before iterations start
!      hx_sub - HX routine, e.g.
!             - ca_co_hx_all
!    iter_sub - the subroutine performing a single CA iteration, e.g.
!             - ca_iter_tl - triple nested loop
!             - ca_iter_dc - do concurrent loop
!             - ca_iter_omp - OpenMP loop
!      kernel - a function to be called for every cell inside the loop
!        iter - number of iterations to do


!    space - CA coarray at the end of niter iterations


module array tmp_space is updated


This is a driver routine for CA iterations. HX is done before each iteration. Then a given number of iterations is performed with a given routine and a given kernel. One iteration is really 2 iterations: odd and even, Hence the upper loop limit is 2*niter.




integer :: i

tmp_space = space

do i = 1, 2*niter
  call hx_sub( space )                   ! space updated, with HX
  call iter_sub( space, hdepth, kernel ) ! tmp_space updated, local op
  space = tmp_space                      ! local op
  mask_array = 1_iarr - mask_array       ! Flip the mask array
end do

end subroutine ca_co_run

ca_hx_co/ca_co_spalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx_co ] [ Subroutines ]




module subroutine ca_co_spalloc( space, c, do, ir )


integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
integer, intent(in) :: c(3), do, ir(3)

!    space - CA array to allocate, with halos!
!        c - array with space dimensions
!        d - depth of the halo layer
!       ir - codimensions


!    space is allocated and set to zero.




This routine allocates the CA coarray array, with halos of depth d. Also save some vars in this module for future. Also, on first call, allocate a module work local space array, not a coarray (tmp_space) of the same mold as space. This array is used in CA iterations later.




integer :: i,j,k

if ( allocated( space ) ) then
  write (*,*) "WARN: ca_hx_co/ca_co_spalloc: image:", this_image(),    &
    "space already allocated, deallocating!"
  deallocate( space, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*)                                                        &
      "ERROR: ca_hx_co/ca_co_spalloc: deallocate( space ), ierr:",     &
                ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
    error stop
  end if
end if

allocate( space( 1-do:c(1)+do, 1-do:c(2)+do, 1-do:c(3)+do )[ir(1), ir(2), *],&
          source=0_iarr, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*)                                                          &
    "ERROR: ca_co_hx/ca_co_spalloc: allocate( space ), ierr:",         &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

! Calculate once and keep forever
! Need a picture to explain these halo vars.
! The picture is only for dimension 1.
! The same diagram can be drawn for dimensions 2 and 3.
! hdepth 
! |    | 
! +----+---------------------+----+--
! |    |                     |    | ^ hdepth
! |    |                     |    | v
! +----+---------------------+----+--
! |<-lhsta  |           |    |    |
! |   0|    |           |    |    |
! |    |1   |           |    |    |
! | hdepth->|           |    |    |
! |    |    |           |<-ihsta  |
! |    |    |           sub->|    |
! |    |    |           |    |<-rhsta
! |    |    |           |  rhend->|
! |    |    |           |    |    |
! +----+---------------------+----+
! |    |                     |    |
! |    |                     |    |
! +----+---------------------+----+

hdepth = do
   sub = c
 ihsta = sub - hdepth + 1
 rhsta = sub + 1
 rhend = sub + hdepth
 lhsta = -hdepth + 1

! Total number of cells in the global CA
total_cells = sub(1)*sub(2)*sub(3)*num_images()

! Tmp space array for CA iterations, allocated on the first call
if ( .not. allocated( tmp_space ) ) then
  allocate( tmp_space( 1-do:c(1)+do, 1-do:c(2)+do, 1-do:c(3)+do ),           &
            source=0_iarr, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx_co/ca_co_spalloc: " //        &
      "allocate( tmp_space ), ierr: ", ierr, " errmsg: ", trim(errmsg)
    error stop
  end if
end if

! mask_array must be (re)allocated.
! Mask array, no halos, the values are set in ca_halloc.
if ( allocated( mask_array ) ) then
  deallocate( mask_array, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx_co/ca_spalloc: " //           &
      "deallocate( mask_array ), ierr: ", ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
    error stop
  end if
end if

allocate( mask_array( c(1), c(2), c(3) ), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx_co/ca_co_spalloc: " //          &
    "allocate( mask_array ) ", "ierr:", ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

! Calculate once and keep forever
  ci = this_image( space )
ucob = ucobound(   space )

main: associate( do => hdepth, c => sub )

! Now can set mask_array. The mask array must reflect
! the global CA space, i.e. must not be affected by partitioning
! of the model into images. This means the mask array must
! depend on coindex set of this image.
do concurrent( i=1:c(1), j=1:c(2), k=1:c(3) )
  mask_array(i,j,k) = int( mod( (i+j+k + (ci(1)-1)*c(1) +              &
    (ci(2)-1)*c(2) + (ci(3)-1)*c(3) ) , 2 ), kind=iarr )
end do

end associate main

! Calculate coindex sets and image numbers for the 6 neighbours
! Coindex sets
  nei_ci_L1 = (/ ci(1)-1, ci(2), ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_R1 = (/ ci(1)+1, ci(2), ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_L2 = (/ ci(1), ci(2)-1, ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_R2 = (/ ci(1), ci(2)+1, ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_L3 = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)-1 /)
  nei_ci_R3 = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)+1 /)

! Image index
  nei_img_L(1) = image_index( space, nei_ci_L1 )
  nei_img_R(1) = image_index( space, nei_ci_R1 )
  nei_img_L(2) = image_index( space, nei_ci_L2 )
  nei_img_R(2) = image_index( space, nei_ci_R2 )
  nei_img_L(3) = image_index( space, nei_ci_L3 )
  nei_img_R(3) = image_index( space, nei_ci_R3 )

end subroutine ca_co_spalloc