ca_hx/ca_halloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_halloc( ir )


integer :: ir(3)

!    ir - codimensions


!    none


halo coarrays (module variables) are allocated


This routine allocates 6 halo coarrays for von Neumann 6-neighbourhood. The coarrays are module variables. Coarray allocation is an implicit sync. Halos have depth hdepth. Halo coarrays have the same cobounds on all images.


All images must call this routine!




integer :: i,j,k

main: associate( do => hdepth, c => sub )

if ( this_image() .eq. 1 ) write (*,*) "halloc: d:", do, "c:", c

allocate( h1minu( do, c(2), c(3) ) [ ir(1), ir(2), * ], stat=ierr,      &
          errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_halloc: allocate( h1minu ). ierr: ",    &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

allocate( h1plus( do, c(2), c(3) ) [ ir(1), ir(2), * ], stat=ierr,      &
          errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_halloc: allocate( h1plus ). ierr: ",    &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

allocate( h2minu( c(1), do, c(3) ) [ ir(1), ir(2), * ], stat=ierr,      &
          errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_halloc: allocate( h2minu ). ierr: ",    &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

allocate( h2plus( c(1), do, c(3) ) [ ir(1), ir(2), * ], stat=ierr,      &
          errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_halloc: allocate( h2plus ). ierr: ",    &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

allocate( h3minu( c(1), c(2), do ) [ ir(1), ir(2), * ], stat=ierr,      &
          errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_halloc: allocate( h3minu ). ierr: ",    &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

allocate( h3plus( c(1), c(2), do ) [ ir(1), ir(2), * ], stat=ierr,      &
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_halloc: allocate( h3plus ). ierr: ",    &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

! Calculate once and keep forever
  ci = this_image( h1minu )
ucob = ucobound(   h1minu )

! Now can set mask_array. The mask array must reflect
! the global CA space, i.e. must not be affected by partitioning
! of the model into images. This means the mask array must
! depend on coindex set of this image.
do concurrent( i=1:c(1), j=1:c(2), k=1:c(3) )
  mask_array(i,j,k) = int( mod( (i+j+k + ( ci(1)-1)*c(1) +             &
    (ci(2)-1)*c(2) + (ci(3)-1)*c(3) ) , 2 ), kind=iarr ) 
end do

end associate main

! Calculate coindex sets and image numbers for the 6 neighbours
! Coindex sets
  nei_ci_L1 = (/ ci(1)-1, ci(2), ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_R1 = (/ ci(1)+1, ci(2), ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_L2 = (/ ci(1), ci(2)-1, ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_R2 = (/ ci(1), ci(2)+1, ci(3) /)
  nei_ci_L3 = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)-1 /)
  nei_ci_R3 = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)+1 /)

! Image index
  nei_img_L(1) = image_index( h1plus, nei_ci_L1 )
  nei_img_R(1) = image_index( h1plus, nei_ci_R1 )
  nei_img_L(2) = image_index( h1plus, nei_ci_L2 )
  nei_img_R(2) = image_index( h1plus, nei_ci_R2 )
  nei_img_L(3) = image_index( h1plus, nei_ci_L3 )
  nei_img_R(3) = image_index( h1plus, nei_ci_R3 )

end subroutine ca_halloc

ca_hx/ca_hdalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_hdalloc


!    none


!    none


halo coarrays (module variables) are deallocated


This routine deallocates 6 halo coarrays for von Neumann 6-neighbourhood. The coarrays are module variables. Coarray deallocation is an implicit sync. Halo coarrays have the same cobounds on all images.


All images must call this routine!




deallocate( h1minu, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_hdalloc: deallocate( h1minu ). ierr: ", &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

deallocate( h1plus, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_hdalloc: deallocate( h1plus ). ierr: ", &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

deallocate( h2minu, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_hdalloc: deallocate( h2minu ). ierr: ", &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

deallocate( h2plus, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_hdalloc: deallocate( h2plus ). ierr: ", &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

deallocate( h3minu, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_hdalloc: deallocate( h3minu ). ierr: ", &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

deallocate( h3plus, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg)
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_hdalloc: deallocate( h3plus ). ierr: ", &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

end subroutine ca_hdalloc

ca_hx/ca_hx_all [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_hx_all( space )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)

!    space - non coarray array with CA model


!    none


halo coarrays are updated


HX is a 2-step process. In step 1 I copy parts of my space array, not space halos!, into my halo coarrays. Step 2 is remote comms - I pull neighbour halo coarrays into my local space array halo sections.

Important! the 6 routines must be called in the same order on all images to avoid deadlocks. So to make it fool proof I don't allow the user to call individual hx routines. These are private to this module. The user only calls this routine.




! HX is a 2-step process

! Step 1

!    I prepare my 6 coarray halos for use by my neighbours.
!    These are copies of the slabs of space array, i.e. top/bottom,
!    left/right and front/back.
!    Note that these are not space array halos!
!    Refer to the schematic in ca_spalloc for details.
!    When done, I declare that my 6 coarray halos "ready" to be read -
!    ready for remote calls.
!    This is a local routine, which must be run before any
!    of hx routines are called.
!    This routine is called when all cells on my image have been
!    processed, so doesn't make sense to separate separate assignments
!    into different routines - no performance gain at all. 
if ( ci(1) .ne. 1       ) then
  h1minu(:,:,:) = space(        1 : hdepth , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  h1plus(:,:,:) = space( ihsta(1) : sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(2) .ne. 1       ) then
  h2minu(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) ,        1 : hdepth , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  h2plus(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) , ihsta(2) : sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(3) .ne. 1       ) then
  h3minu(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) ,        1 : hdepth )
end if
if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  h3plus(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , ihsta(3) : sub(3) )
end if

! Step 2

!    An image updates its space array halo layer (left side)
!    along direction 1 from a coarray halo (h1plus) on an image
!    which is 1 lower along codimension 1.
if ( ci(1) .ne. 1 ) then
  sync images( nei_img_L(1) )
  space( lhsta(1):0, 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) =                            &
    h1plus(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_L1(1), nei_ci_L1(2), nei_ci_L1(3) ]
end if

!    An image updates its space array halo layer (right side)
!    along direction 1 from a coarray halo (h1minu) on an image
!    which is 1 higher along codimension 1.
if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  sync images( nei_img_R(1) )
  space( rhsta(1) : rhend(1), 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =                  &
    h1minu(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_R1(1), nei_ci_R1(2), nei_ci_R1(3) ]
end if

!    An image updates its space array halo layer (left side)
!    along direction 2 from a coarray halo (h1plus) on an image
!    which is 1 lower along codimension 2.
if ( ci(2) .ne. 1 ) then
  sync images( nei_img_L(2) )
  space( 1:sub(1) , lhsta(2) : 0, 1:sub(3) ) =                         &
    h2plus(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_L2(1), nei_ci_L2(2), nei_ci_L2(3) ]
end if

!    An image updates its space array halo layer (right side)
!    along direction 2 from a coarray halo (h2minu) on an image
!    which is 1 higher along codimension 1.
if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  sync images( nei_img_R(2) )
  space( 1:sub(1) , rhsta(2) : rhend(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =                 &
    h2minu(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_R2(1), nei_ci_R2(2), nei_ci_R2(3) ]
end if

!    An image updates its space array halo layer (left side)
!    along direction 3 from a coarray halo (h3plus) on an image
!    which is 1 lower along codimension 3.
if ( ci(3) .ne. 1 ) then
  sync images( nei_img_L(3) )
  space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , lhsta(3) : 0 ) =                        &
    h3plus(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_L3(1), nei_ci_L3(2), nei_ci_L3(3) ]
end if

!    An image updates its space array halo layer (right side)
!    along direction 3 from a coarray halo (h3minu) on an image
!    which is 1 higher along codimension 3.
if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  sync images( nei_img_R(3) )
  space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , rhsta(3) : rhend(3) ) =                 &
    h3minu(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_R3(1), nei_ci_R3(2), nei_ci_R3(3) ]
end if

end subroutine ca_hx_all

ca_hx/ca_hx_check [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_hx_check( space, flag )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)

!    space - CA array


integer, intent( out ) :: flag

!    flag .eq. 0 - check passed
!    flag .ne. 0 - check failed




This routine is of very limited use. It checks hx code for only a single case - all images set all their cell values to this_image() and then a single hx step is done. In this case I'm sure what's in my halos. So just check for this and either return flag=0 or flag > 0 indicating which halo failed. Fail values:

      0  - pass, no failures
      1  - test 1 failed
      2  - test 2 failed
      3  - tests 1,2 failed
      4  - test 3 failed
      5  - tests 1,3 failed
      6  - tests 2,3 failed
      7  - tests 1,2,3 failed
      8  - test 4 failed
      9  - tests 1,4 failed
      10 - tests 2,4 failed
      11 - tests 1,2,4 failed
      12 - tests 3,4 failed
      13 - tests 1,3,4 failed
      14 - tests 2,3,4 failed
      15 - tests 1,2,3,4 failed
      16 - test 5 failed

and so on.




! coindex set and the image number of the neighbour
integer :: i(3), n

flag = 0

! Test 1
if ( ci(1) .ne. 1 ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1)-1, ci(2), ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( h1plus, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( lhsta(1):0,        1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 1
end if

! Test 2
if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1)+1, ci(2), ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( h1plus, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( rhsta(1):rhend(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 2
end if

! Test 3
if ( ci(2) .ne. 1 ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2)-1, ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( h1plus, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), lhsta(2):0,        1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 4
end if

! Test 4
if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2)+1, ci(3) /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( h1plus, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), rhsta(2):rhend(2), 1:sub(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 8
end if

! Test 5
if ( ci(3) .ne. 1 ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)-1 /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( h1plus, i )    ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), lhsta(3):0 )        .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 16
end if

! Test 6
if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  ! This is the neighbour
  i = (/ ci(1), ci(2), ci(3)+1 /) ! neighbour's coindex set
  n = image_index( h1plus, i )     ! neighbour image number
  if ( any( space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), rhsta(3):rhend(3) ) .ne. n ) )  &
    flag = flag + 32
end if

end subroutine ca_hx_check

ca_hx/ca_hx_glbar [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_hx_glbar( space )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)

!    space - non coarray array with CA model


!    none


halo coarrays are updated


The only difference from ca_hx_all is that here I use a global barrier (hence the name GL BAR), sync all.




if ( ci(1) .ne. 1       ) then
  h1minu(:,:,:) = space(        1 : hdepth , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  h1plus(:,:,:) = space( ihsta(1) : sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(2) .ne. 1       ) then
  h2minu(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) ,        1 : hdepth , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  h2plus(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) , ihsta(2) : sub(2) , 1:sub(3) )
end if
if ( ci(3) .ne. 1       ) then
  h3minu(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) ,        1 : hdepth )
end if
if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  h3plus(:,:,:) = space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , ihsta(3) : sub(3) )
end if

sync all

if ( ci(1) .ne. 1 ) then
  space( lhsta(1):0, 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) =                            &
    h1plus(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_L1(1), nei_ci_L1(2), nei_ci_L1(3) ]
end if

if ( ci(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  space( rhsta(1) : rhend(1), 1:sub(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =                  &
    h1minu(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_R1(1), nei_ci_R1(2), nei_ci_R1(3) ]
end if

if ( ci(2) .ne. 1 ) then
  space( 1:sub(1) , lhsta(2) : 0, 1:sub(3) ) =                         &
    h2plus(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_L2(1), nei_ci_L2(2), nei_ci_L2(3) ]
end if

if ( ci(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  space( 1:sub(1) , rhsta(2) : rhend(2) , 1:sub(3) ) =                 &
    h2minu(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_R2(1), nei_ci_R2(2), nei_ci_R2(3) ]
end if

if ( ci(3) .ne. 1 ) then
  space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , lhsta(3) : 0 ) =                        &
    h3plus(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_L3(1), nei_ci_L3(2), nei_ci_L3(3) ]
end if

if ( ci(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  space( 1:sub(1) , 1:sub(2) , rhsta(3) : rhend(3) ) =                 &
    h3minu(:,:,:) [ nei_ci_R3(1), nei_ci_R3(2), nei_ci_R3(3) ]
end if

end subroutine ca_hx_glbar

ca_hx/ca_ising_energy [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_ising_energy( space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel, energy,   &
  magnet )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
procedure( hx_proto ) :: hx_sub
procedure( iter_proto ) :: iter_sub
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel

!       space - space array before iterations start
!    iter_sub - the subroutine performing a single CA iteration, e.g.
!             - ca_iter_tl - triple nested loop
!             - ca_iter_dc - do concurrent
!             - ca_iter_omp - OpenMP
!      kernel - a function to be called for every cell inside the loop


integer( kind=ilrg ), intent(out) :: energy, magnet

!    energy - Total energy of CA system
!    magnet - Total magnetisation of the CA system


module array tmp_space is updated


Calculate the total energy and the total magnetisation of CA using ising model. This routine does not use collectives. Magnetisation is defined as the fraction of the 1 spins. The only valid kernel is ca_kernel_ising_ener.




integer( kind=ilrg) :: my_energy, my_magnet

co_energy = 0
co_magnet = 0

call hx_sub( space )                   ! space updated, sync images
call iter_sub( space, hdepth, kernel ) ! tmp_space updated, local op
my_energy =                                                            &
  int( sum( tmp_space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) ), kind=ilrg ) 
my_magnet =                                                            &
  int( sum(     space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) ), kind=ilrg ) 

!write (*,"(a,i0,a,999i3)") "img: ", this_image(), " tmp_space: ", tmp_space
!write (*,*) "img:", this_image(), "my energy:", my_energy 

! This is a tmp version on systems with no CO_SUM!
! Change on Cray!
! Image 1 calculates the total values in a *coarray* variable!
  co_energy[1] = co_energy[1] + my_energy
  co_magnet[1] = co_magnet[1] + my_magnet
end critical

! I read the total values from image 1
! Magnetisation is real value, scaled by the total number of
! cells in the global model.
sync all
energy = co_energy[1]
magnet = co_magnet[1]

! Better do the scaling in the end user program.
! I want the routine to return an integer magnetisation
! so that the results can be exactly reproducible.
!magnet = real( co_magnet[1] ) / real( total_cells )

end subroutine ca_ising_energy

ca_hx/ca_ising_energy_col [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_ising_energy_col( space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel,       &
  energy, magnet)


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
procedure( hx_proto ) :: hx_sub
procedure( iter_proto ) :: iter_sub
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel

!       space - space array before iterations start
!      hx_sub - ca_hx_all
!    iter_sub - the subroutine performing a single CA iteration, e.g.
!             - ca_iter_tl - triple nested loop
!             - ca_iter_dc - do concurrent
!             - ca_iter_omp - OpenMP
!      kernel - a function to be called for every cell inside the loop


integer( kind=ilrg ) , intent(out) :: energy, magnet

!    energy - Total energy of CA system
!    magnet - Total magnetisation of the CA system


module array tmp_space is updated


Calculate the total energy and the total magnetisation of CA using ising model. These integer values might be very large so I'm using a large integer kind (ilrg). This routine uses collectives. Magnetisation is defined as the fraction of the 1 spins. The only valid kernel is ca_kernel_ising_ener.




call hx_sub( space )                   ! space updated, sync images
call iter_sub( space, hdepth, kernel ) ! tmp_space updated, local op
energy =                                                               &
  int( sum( tmp_space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) ), kind=ilrg ) 
magnet =                                                               &
  int( sum(     space( 1:sub(1), 1:sub(2), 1:sub(3) ) ), kind=ilrg ) 
call co_sum( energy )
call co_sum( magnet )

end subroutine ca_ising_energy_col

ca_hx/ca_iter_dc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_iter_dc( space, halo, kernel )


integer, intent( in ) :: halo
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), contiguous ::                      &
  space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel

!    space - CA array at the end of the previous iteration


!    none


module array tmp_space, CA state at the end of this iteration, is updated


This routine does a single CA iteration with DO CONCURRENT. The space array from the previous iteration is read only. The space array at the end of this iteration, tmp_space, from this module, is written only.



ca_run, ca_ising_energy


integer :: i, j, k

! Do not include halo! So start at 1 and end at sub.
do concurrent( k = 1:sub(3), j = 1:sub(2), i = 1:sub(1) )
  tmp_space( i,j,k ) = kernel( space = space, halo = hdepth,           &
    coord = (/ i , j , k /) )
end do

end subroutine ca_iter_dc

ca_hx/ca_iter_omp [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_iter_omp( space, halo, kernel )


integer, intent( in ) :: halo
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), contiguous ::                      &
  space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel

!    space - CA array at the end of the previous iteration


!    none


module array tmp_space, CA state at the end of this iteration, is updated


This routine does a single CA iteration with triple nested loops. The space array from the previous iteration is read only. The space array at the end of this iteration, tmp_space, from this module, is written only.



ca_run, ca_ising_energy


integer :: i, j, k

! Do not include halo! So start at 1 and end at sub.

!$omp parallel do default(none)                                        &
!$omp private(i,j,k) shared(sub,space,hdepth,tmp_space)
! !$omp collapse(3)
do k = 1, sub(3)
do j = 1, sub(2)
do i = 1, sub(1)
  tmp_space( i,j,k ) = kernel( space = space, halo = hdepth,           &
    coord = (/ i , j , k /) )
end do
end do
end do
!$omp end parallel do

end subroutine ca_iter_omp

ca_hx/ca_iter_tl [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_iter_tl( space, halo, kernel )


integer, intent( in ) :: halo
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), contiguous ::                      &
  space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel

!    space - CA array at the end of the previous iteration


!    none


module array tmp_space, CA state at the end of this iteration, is updated


This routine does a single CA iteration with triple nested loops. The space array from the previous iteration is read only. The space array at the end of this iteration, tmp_space, from this module, is written only.



ca_run, ca_co_run, ca_ising_energy


integer :: i, j, k

! Do not include halo! So start at 1 and end at sub.
do k = 1, sub(3)
do j = 1, sub(2)
do i = 1, sub(1)

  tmp_space( i,j,k ) = kernel( space = space, halo = hdepth,           &
    coord = (/ i , j , k /) )

!  write (*, "(a,i0,a,4(i0,tr1))") &
!    "img: ", this_image(), " i,j,k,energy: ", i, j, k, tmp_space(i,j,k)

end do
end do
end do

end subroutine ca_iter_tl

ca_hx/ca_kernel_copy [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




pure function ca_kernel_copy( space, halo, coord )


integer, intent( in ) :: halo
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), contiguous ::                      &
  space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
integer, intent(in) :: coord(3)


integer( kind=iarr ) ca_kernel_copy


None DESCIPTION This is a simplest CA kernel function. Simply copy the previous state of each cell. This function is used only to test the library.



ca_iter_tl, ca_run


ca_kernel_copy = space( coord(1), coord(2), coord(3) )

end function ca_kernel_copy

ca_hx/ca_kernel_ising [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




pure function ca_kernel_ising( space, halo, coord )


integer, intent( in ) :: halo
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), contiguous ::                      &
  space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
integer, intent( in ) :: coord(3)


integer( kind=iarr ) ca_kernel_ising


None DESCIPTION ising magnetisation CA kernel function. The CA state is magnetic spin, either 0 (down) or 1 (up). The sign of the spin (CA cell state) is changed if and only if this spin has the same number of parallel and anti-parallel neighbours, i.e. the sum of 6 neighbours is exactly 3 - three neighbours of spin up (3*1=3) and three neighbours of spin down (0). The multiplier alternates between 0 and 1 from one cell to the next. This preserves the energy. For more details see Sec. 2.2.3 "The Q2R rule" in: B. Chopard, M. Droz "Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems", Cambridge, 1998.



ca_iter_tl, ca_iter_dc, ca_iter_omp, ca_run, ca_co_run


integer( kind=iarr ) :: n

associate( s => space, i => coord(1), j => coord(2), k => coord(3) )

n = s(i-1,j,k) + s(i+1,j,k) + s(i,j-1,k) + s(i,j+1,k) + s(i,j,k-1) +   &

if ( n .eq. 3 .and. mask_array(i,j,k) .eq. 1 ) then
  ! If the sum of 6 neighbours is exactly 3 and the mask value is 1
  ! then flip the state.
  ca_kernel_ising = 1_iarr - s(i,j,k)
  ! Otherwise no change
  ca_kernel_ising = s(i,j,k)
end if

end associate

end function ca_kernel_ising

ca_hx/ca_kernel_ising_ener [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




pure function ca_kernel_ising_ener( space, halo, coord )


integer, intent( in ) :: halo
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), contiguous ::                      &
  space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
integer, intent( in ) :: coord(3)


integer( kind=iarr ) ca_kernel_ising_ener


None DESCIPTION ising magnetisation CA kernel function for energy calculation. Each neighbour of the same spin adds -1 to the energy. Each neighbour of the opposite spin adds +1 to the energy. For more details see Sec. 2.2.3 "The Q2R rule" in: B. Chopard, M. Droz, "Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems", Cambridge, 1998.

To avoid double counting, each cell only checks links with cells to its *left* in all 3 dimensions. This leaves the last cells in the global CA space along each dimension, which must also look to the right, i.e. to the global right halo. This is not satisfactory because not all cells are processed in the same way. However, I cannot think of a better algorithm.



ca_iter_tl, ca_iter_dc, ca_iter_omp, ca_ising_energy


integer( kind=iarr ) :: count(6)


associate( s => space, i => coord(1), j => coord(2), k => coord(3) )

! s(i,j,k) - s(i-1,j,k)                 => 0, -1, 1
! abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i-1,j,k) )          => 0, 1
! 2 * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i-1,j,k) )      => 0, 2
! 2 * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i-1,j,k) ) - 1  => -1, 1

! Neighbours to the left along 3 directions
count(1) = 2_iarr * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i-1,j,k) ) - 1_iarr
count(2) = 2_iarr * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i,j-1,k) ) - 1_iarr
count(3) = 2_iarr * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i,j,k-1) ) - 1_iarr

! Neighbours to the right, only for the globally last cells
if ( ci(1) .eq. ucob(1) .and. i .eq. sub(1) ) then
  count(4) = 2_iarr * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i+1,j,k) ) - 1_iarr
end if
if ( ci(2) .eq. ucob(2) .and. j .eq. sub(2) ) then
  count(5) = 2_iarr * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i,j+1,k) ) - 1_iarr
end if
if ( ci(3) .eq. ucob(3) .and. k .eq. sub(3) ) then
  count(6) = 2_iarr * abs( s(i,j,k) - s(i,j,k+1) ) - 1_iarr
end if

ca_kernel_ising_ener = sum( count )

! write (*,"(a,4(i0,tr1))") "i,j,k,energy:", i,j,k,ca_kernel_ising_ener

end associate

end function ca_kernel_ising_ener

ca_hx/ca_run [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_run( space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel, niter )


integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
procedure( hx_proto ) :: hx_sub
procedure( iter_proto ) :: iter_sub
procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel
integer, intent(in) :: niter

!       space - space array before iterations start
!      hx_sub - HX routine, e.g.
!             - ca_hx_all
!             _ ca_mpi_hx_all
!    iter_sub - the subroutine performing a single CA iteration, e.g.
!             - ca_iter_tl - triple nested loop
!             - ca_iter_dc - do concurrent
!             - ca_iter_omp - OpenMP
!      kernel - a function to be called for every cell inside the loop
!        iter - number of iterations to do


!    space - CA array at the end of niter iterations


module array tmp_space is updated


This is a driver routine for CA iterations. HX is done before each iteration. Then a given number of iterations is performed with a given routine and a given kernel. One iteration is really 2 iterations: odd and even, Hence the upper loop limit is 2*niter.




integer :: i

tmp_space = space

do i = 1, 2*niter
  call hx_sub( space )                ! space updated, with HX
  ! tmp_space updated, local op
  call iter_sub( space=space, halo=hdepth, kernel=kernel )
  space = tmp_space                   ! local op
  mask_array = 1_iarr - mask_array    ! Flip the mask array
end do

end subroutine ca_run

ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_set_space_rnd( seed, frac1, space )


integer :: seed(:)
real :: frac1

!    seed - RND seed array
!   frac1 - fraction of "1" cells, spin up cells, [0..1].


integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), contiguous ::                   &
  space( 1-hdepth: , 1-hdepth:, 1-hdepth: )

!   space - CA array is set to reproducible RND values, and
!           in a way that the global CA array is not dependent
!           on the partition or the number of images 


A tmp external file is created from image 1 to store RND values. It is deleted at the exit from this routine, also by image 1.


Must call this routine after ca_halloc. Generate a 1D array or RND from a given seed. The length of the array is the size of the global CA model, i.e. don't generate values for the halos. Image 1 writes this array to file. Then, inside a critical region each image reads its own data. This is a slow routine.


integer :: co_k, co_j, co_i, k, j, i, funit

integer( kind=iarr ) :: value

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: rnd_arr_int(:)

real, allocatable :: rnd_arr(:)

character(:), allocatable :: fname

fname = "tmp_rnd_file"

! Image 1 sets the file
make_file: if ( this_image() .eq. 1 ) then

  ! Sanity check
  if ( frac1 .lt. 0.0 .or. frac1 .gt. 1.0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: frac1 outside of" //   &
      " admissable range [0..1]: frac1:", frac1
    error stop
  end if

    write (*,*) 
  ! total_cells would have been set already in ca_spalloc
  ! No halo cells are included in this number!
  allocate( rnd_arr(     total_cells ) )
  allocate( rnd_arr_int( total_cells ) )

  call random_seed( put = seed )
  call random_number( rnd_arr )
!  rnd_arr_int = nint( rnd_arr )

  rnd_arr_int = 0
  where ( rnd_arr .lt. frac1 )
    rnd_arr_int = 1
  end where

  open( newunit=funit, file=fname, status="replace", access="stream",  &
        form="unformatted", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: " //                   &
      "open( fname ), ierr:", ierr
    error stop
  end if

  write (funit) rnd_arr_int

  close(funit, status="keep", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: " //                   &
      "close( fname ), ierr:", ierr
    error stop
  end if

  deallocate( rnd_arr )
  deallocate( rnd_arr_int )

end if make_file

! All images wait for img1 to write data to file and close it.
sync all

! Each image in turn reads the data from the file

  open( newunit=funit, file=fname, status="old", access="stream",      &
        form="unformatted", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: " //                   &
      "open( fname ), ierr:", ierr
  end if

  do co_k = 1, ucob(3)
  do    k = 1,  sub(3)
  do co_j = 1, ucob(2)
  do    j = 1,  sub(2)
  do co_i = 1, ucob(1)
  do    i = 1,  sub(1)
    read( funit ) value
    if ( co_k .eq. ci(3) .and. co_j .eq. ci(2) .and.                   &
         co_i .eq. ci(1) ) then
       ! ===>>> NOTE <<<===
       ! Only real space cells are assigned value!
       ! The halo cells are set to 0 in ca_spalloc!
       space(i,j,k) = value
    end if
  end do
  end do
  end do
  end do
  end do
  end do

  close(funit, status="keep", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: " //                   &
      "close( fname ), ierr:", ierr
  end if

end critical

! All images must read their data before image 1 deletes the file
sync all

! Image 1 deletes the file
file_delete: if ( this_image() .eq. 1 ) then

  open( newunit=funit, file=fname, status="old", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: " //                   &
      "open( fname ), ierr:", ierr
    error stop
  end if

  close(funit, status="delete", iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_set_space_rnd: " //                   &
      "close( fname ), ierr:", ierr
    error stop
  end if

end if file_delete

end subroutine ca_set_space_rnd

ca_hx/ca_spalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ ca_hx ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine ca_spalloc( space, c, do )


integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent(inout) :: space(:,:,:) 
integer, intent(in) :: c(3), do

!    space - CA array to allocate, with halos!
!        c - array with space dimensions
!        d - depth of the halo layer


!    space is allocated and set to zero.




This routine allocates the CA array space, with halos of depth d. Also save some vars in this module for future. Also, on first call, allocate a module work space array (tmp_space) of the same mold as space. This array is used in CA iterations later.




if ( allocated( space ) ) then
  write (*,*) "WARN: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: image:", this_image(), "space", &
              "already allocated, deallocating!"
  deallocate( space, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: deallocate( space ), ierr:", &
                ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
    error stop
  end if
end if

! Note that halo cells are set to 0 here too.
allocate( space( 1-do:c(1)+do, 1-do:c(2)+do, 1-do:c(3)+do ), source=0_iarr,  &
          stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,*) "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: allocate( space ), ierr:",     &
              ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

! Calculate once and keep forever
! Need a picture to explain these halo vars.
! The picture is only for dimension 1.
! The same diagram can be drawn for dimensions 2 and 3.
! hdepth 
! |    | 
! +----+---------------------+----+--
! |    |                     |    | ^ hdepth
! |    |                     |    | v
! +----+---------------------+----+--
! |<-lhsta  |           |    |    |
! |   0|    |           |    |    |
! |    |1   |           |    |    |
! | hdepth->|           |    |    |
! |    |    |           |<-ihsta  |
! |    |    |           sub->|    |
! |    |    |           |    |<-rhsta
! |    |    |           |  rhend->|
! |    |    |           |    |    |
! +----+---------------------+----+
! |    |                     |    |
! |    |                     |    |
! +----+---------------------+----+

hdepth = do
   sub = c
 ihsta = sub - hdepth + 1
 rhsta = sub + 1
 rhend = sub + hdepth
 lhsta = -hdepth + 1

if ( this_image() .eq. 1 ) write (*,*) "spalloc: hdepth:", hdepth,     &
 "sub:", sub, "ihsta:", ihsta, "rhsta:", rhsta, "rhend:", rhend,       &
 "lhsta:", lhsta

! Total number of cells in the global CA
total_cells = sub(1)*sub(2)*sub(3)*num_images()

! tmp_space must be (re)allocated.
if ( allocated( tmp_space ) ) then
  deallocate( tmp_space, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: " //              &
      "deallocate( tmp_space ), ierr: ", ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
    error stop
  end if
end if

! Note that halo cells are set to 0 here too.
allocate( tmp_space, source=space, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: " //                &
    "allocate( tmp_space ), ierr: ", ierr, " errmsg: ", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

! mask_array must be (re)allocated.
! Mask array, no halos, the values are set in ca_halloc.
if ( allocated( mask_array ) ) then
  deallocate( mask_array, stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: " //              &
      "deallocate( mask_array ), ierr: ", ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
    error stop
  end if
end if

allocate( mask_array( c(1), c(2), c(3) ), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0,a,a)") "ERROR: ca_hx/ca_spalloc: " //                &
    "allocate( mask_array ) ", "ierr:", ierr, "errmsg:", trim(errmsg)
  error stop
end if

end subroutine ca_spalloc

CASUP/ca_hx [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




!$Id: ca_hx.f90 557 2018-10-10 16:29:20Z mexas $

module ca_hx


Module with halo exchange for casup, the 2nd gen CA library for SUPercomputers. In this module halos are separate arrays from the central part of CA, which is not a coarray.


Anton Shterenlikht




Public subroutines: ca_spalloc, ca_halloc, ca_hdalloc, ca_hx_all, ca_hx_glbar, ca_hx_check, ca_iter_dc, ca_iter_omp, ca_iter_tl, ca_run, ca_ising_energy, ca_ising_energy_col, ca_set_space_rnd, ca_mpi_halo_type_create, ca_mpi_halo_type_free, ca_mpi_hx_all, ca_mpi_ising_energy, ca_co_spalloc, ca_co_hx_all, ca_co_hx_check, ca_co_run, ca_co_ising_energy, ca_co_netcdf, ca_co_naive_io, ca_1D_halloc, ca_1D_hdalloc, ca_1D_hx_sall, ca_1D_hx_check. Public pure functions: ca_kernel_copy, ca_kernel_ising, ca_kernel_ising_ener. Private subroutines: in submodule ca_hx_mpi: ca_mpi_hxvn1m, ca_mpi_hxvn1p, ca_mpi_hxvn2m, ca_mpi_hxvn2p, ca_mpi_hxvn3m, ca_mpi_hxvn3p.





use cgca_m1co, only : ca_range, iarr, idef, ilrg
use mpi
implicit none

public :: ca_spalloc, ca_halloc, ca_hdalloc, ca_hx_all, ca_hx_glbar, &
  ca_hx_check, &
  ca_iter_dc, ca_iter_omp, ca_iter_tl, ca_run, ca_kernel_copy,       &
  ca_kernel_ising, ca_kernel_ising_ener,  &
  ca_ising_energy, ca_ising_energy_col, &
  ca_set_space_rnd, &
  ca_mpi_halo_type_create, ca_mpi_halo_type_free,  &
  ca_mpi_hx_all, ca_mpi_ising_energy, &
  ca_co_spalloc, ca_co_hx_all, ca_co_hx_check, ca_co_run, &
  ca_co_ising_energy, ca_co_netcdf, ca_co_naive_io, &
  ca_1D_halloc, ca_1D_hdalloc, ca_1D_hx_sall, ca_1D_hx_check

! These are halo coarrays. Parts of the CA array are designated
! "halo", but those are not coarrays.
! h1 - halo along dimension 1.
! h2 - halo along dimension 1.
! h3 - halo along dimension 1.
! "minu" - minus, "plus" - plus. 
! "t" - tmp arrays.
integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable ::          &
  h1minu(:,:,:)[:,:,:], h1plus(:,:,:)[:,:,:], &
  h2minu(:,:,:)[:,:,:], h2plus(:,:,:)[:,:,:], &
  h3minu(:,:,:)[:,:,:], h3plus(:,:,:)[:,:,:], &
  tmp_space(:,:,:), mask_array(:,:,:)

integer :: hdepth,     & ! halo depth
  ci(3),         & ! coindex set of my image
  ucob(3),       & ! upper cobounds of halo coarrays
  ihsta(3),      & ! inner right halo start
  rhsta(3),      & ! outer right halo start
  rhend(3),      & ! outer right halo end
  lhsta(3),      & ! outer left halo start
  sub(3),        & ! upper bounds of space array (without halo)
  ierr,          & ! error variable
  total_cells,   & ! total number of cells in the global CA.
  nei_ci_L1(3),  & ! coindex set of left neighbour along 1
  nei_ci_R1(3),  & ! coindex set of right neighbour along 1
  nei_ci_L2(3),  & ! coindex set of left neighbour along 2
  nei_ci_R2(3),  & ! coindex set of right neighbour along 2
  nei_ci_L3(3),  & ! coindex set of left neighbour along 3
  nei_ci_R3(3),  & ! coindex set of right neighbour along 3
  nei_img_L(3),  & ! image indices for 3 left neighbours
  nei_img_R(3)     ! image indices for 3 right neighbours

! A scalar to calculate the total energy of CA
! These will not be needed when collectives can be used.
integer( kind=ilrg ) :: co_energy[*], co_magnet[*]

character( len=500 ) :: errmsg

abstract interface

! Cray bug in 8.6.5!
! Should be able to use hdepth from the module via IMPORT!
! When fixed, remove "halo" and change back to use "hdepth"
! in this module, ca_hx_co and ca_hx_mpi!

  ! For non-coarray CA model

  ! For a kernel function
  pure function kernel_proto( space, halo, coord )
    use cgca_m1co
!    import hdepth
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: halo
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in), contiguous ::                    &
      space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
    integer, intent(in) :: coord(3)
    integer( kind=iarr ) kernel_proto
  end function kernel_proto

  ! For a subroutine doing a single iteration
  subroutine iter_proto( space, halo, kernel )
    use cgca_m1co
    import :: kernel_proto
    implicit none
    integer, intent( in ) :: halo
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in), contiguous ::                    &
      space( 1-halo: , 1-halo: , 1-halo: )
    procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel
  end subroutine iter_proto

  ! For a HX routine
  subroutine hx_proto( space )
    use cgca_m1co
    implicit none
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end subroutine hx_proto

  ! For coarray CA model

  ! For a HX routine
  subroutine hx_co_proto( space )
    use cgca_m1co
    implicit none
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable ::              &
  end subroutine hx_co_proto

  ! For MPI HX

  subroutine hx_mpi_proto( space )
    use cgca_m1co
    implicit none
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end subroutine hx_mpi_proto

end interface

! Interfaces for submodule procedures.

  ! In submodule ca_hx_mpi

  module subroutine ca_mpi_halo_type_create( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_halo_type_create

  module subroutine ca_mpi_halo_type_free
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_halo_type_free

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn1m( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn1m

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn1p( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn1p

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn2m( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn2m

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn2p( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn2p

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn3m( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn3m

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn3p( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hxvn3p

  module subroutine ca_mpi_hx_all( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_hx_all

  module subroutine ca_mpi_ising_energy( space, hx_sub, iter_sub,      &
                                         kernel, energy, magnet )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
    procedure( hx_mpi_proto ) :: hx_sub
    procedure( iter_proto ) :: iter_sub
    procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel
    integer( kind=ilrg ), intent(out) :: energy, magnet
  end    subroutine ca_mpi_ising_energy

  ! In submodule ca_hx_co

  module subroutine ca_co_spalloc( space, c, do, ir )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable ::              &
      space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
    integer, intent(in) :: c(3), do, ir(3)
  end subroutine ca_co_spalloc

  module subroutine ca_co_hx_all( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable ::              &
      space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
  end subroutine ca_co_hx_all

  module subroutine ca_co_hx_check( space, flag )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), allocatable ::                 &
      space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
    integer, intent( out ) :: flag
  end subroutine ca_co_hx_check

  module subroutine ca_co_run( space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel, niter )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable ::              &
      space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
    procedure( hx_co_proto )  :: hx_sub
    procedure( iter_proto )   :: iter_sub
    procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel
    integer, intent(in) :: niter
  end subroutine ca_co_run

  module subroutine ca_co_ising_energy( space, hx_sub, iter_sub,       &
       kernel, energy, magnet )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( inout ), allocatable ::              &
    procedure( hx_co_proto ) :: hx_sub
    procedure( iter_proto ) :: iter_sub
    procedure( kernel_proto ) :: kernel
    integer( kind=ilrg) , intent(out) :: energy, magnet
  end subroutine ca_co_ising_energy

  module subroutine ca_co_netcdf( space, fname )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), allocatable ::                &
      space(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
    character( len=* ), intent( in ) :: fname
  end subroutine ca_co_netcdf

  module subroutine ca_co_naive_io( coarray, fname )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ), allocatable ::                &
      coarray(:,:,:) [:,:,:]
    character( len=* ),intent( in ) :: fname
  end subroutine ca_co_naive_io

  ! In submodule ca_hx_1D

  module subroutine ca_1D_halloc
  end subroutine ca_1D_halloc

  module subroutine ca_1D_hdalloc
  end subroutine ca_1D_hdalloc

  module subroutine ca_1D_hx_sall( space )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(inout), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
  end subroutine ca_1D_hx_sall

  module subroutine ca_1D_hx_check( space, flag )
    integer( kind=iarr ), intent(in), allocatable :: space(:,:,:)
    integer, intent( out ) :: flag
  end subroutine ca_1D_hx_check

end interface
