tests/ising [ Unit tests ]

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!$Id: ising.f90 561 2018-10-14 20:48:19Z mexas $

program ising


Test ising magnetisation Halo coarrays only


See ca_kernel_ising and related routines for details. Note that I use a reproducible RND seed and generate a single sequence of RND values for the whole CA model. Thus the results must be exactly reproducible on any number of images. I include the reference value for the final magnetisation (unscaled, integer). If the test does not produce the same value, it fails. However... the ref magnetisation value is obtained here with gfortran7. It is possible (likely?) that other compliers will produce a different sequence of RND from the same seed. In such cases users need to replace the ref value accordingly.


Anton Shterenlikht






Part of casup test suite


use casup

implicit none

integer( kind=iarr ), parameter :: huge_iarr = huge(0_iarr)

! Reference values for different compilers for magnet_ref,
! magnetisation at the end of simulation
!integer( kind=iarr ), parameter :: magnet_ref = 863379 ! gfortran7
integer( kind=iarr ), parameter :: magnet_ref = 864070 ! Cray

real( kind=rdef ) :: &
  qual,              & ! quality
  bsz0(3),           & ! the given "box" size
  bsz(3),            & ! updated "box" size
  dm,                & ! mean grain size, linear dim, phys units
  lres,              & ! linear resolution, cells per unit of length
  res                  ! resolutions, cells per grain

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:),                     &

integer( kind=idef ) :: ir(3), nimgs, img, ng, c(3) ! coarray dimensions

integer( kind=ilrg ) :: icells, mcells

!real, allocatable :: space_ini(:,:,:), rnd_array(:)

integer :: i, iter, seed_size, run
integer( kind=ilrg) :: energy0, energy1, energy2, magnet0, magnet1,    &
integer, allocatable :: seed_array(:)

! real :: time1, time2

! first executable statement

 dm = 1.0 ! Linear "size" of one spin cell
res = 1.0 ! resolution, CA cells per spin

! Read the box size from command line
call ca_cmd_real( n=3, data=bsz0 )

! When dm=res=1, then bsz0 is simply CA dimensions in cells! 
!bsz0 = (/ 1.2e2, 1.2e2, 1.2e2 /) ! dimensions of the CA model

  img = this_image()
nimgs = num_images()

! each image calculates the coarray grid dimensions
call cgca_gdim( nimgs, ir, qual )

! calculate the resolution and the actual phys dimensions of the box
! subroutine cgca_cadim( bsz, res, dm, ir, c, lres, ng )
! c - coarray sizes
! ir - coarray grid sizes
bsz = bsz0
call cgca_cadim( bsz, res, dm, ir, c, lres, ng )

! do a check on image 1
if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
  write (*,*) "running on", nimgs, "images in a 3D grid"
  write (*,*) "iarr kind:", iarr, "huge(0_iarr):", huge_iarr

  ! Check that the partition is sane
  if ( any(int(bsz) .ne. int(bsz0) ) ) then
    write (*,*)                                                        &
      "ERROR: bad decomposition - use a 'nicer' number of images"
    write (*,*) "ERROR: wanted         :", int(bsz0)
    write (*,*) "ERROR: but got instead:", int(bsz)
    error stop
  end if

  ! total number of cells in a coarray
  icells = product( int( c, kind=ilrg ) )

  ! total number of cells in the model
  mcells = icells * int( nimgs, kind=ilrg )

  write ( *, "(8(a,i0),tr1,g10.3,tr1,g10.3,3(a,g10.3),a)" )            &
    "nimgs: ", nimgs, " (", c(1), "," , c(2), "," , c(3), ")[",        &
    ir(1), "," , ir(2), "," , ir(3), "] ", ng, qual, lres,             &
    " (", bsz(1), ",", bsz(2), ",", bsz(3), ")"
     write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Each image has ",icells, " cells"
     write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", mcells, " cells"

  ! In this test sum over all cells on an image is done, so the kind
  ! must be big enough to contain the total number of cells
  ! on an image.
  if ( icells .gt. huge_iarr ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: number of cells on an image:", icells,         &
      "is greater than huge(0_iarr)"
    error stop
  end if

end if

! allocate space arrays
!    space - CA array to allocate, with halos!
!        c - array with space dimensions
!        d - depth of the halo layer

call ca_spalloc( space,  c, 1 )
call ca_spalloc( space0, c, 1 )

! allocate hx arrays, implicit sync all
! mask_array is set inside too.
! ir(3) - codimensions
call ca_halloc( ir )

! Init RND
!call cgca_irs( debug = .false. )
! Use a reproducible RND here for verification
call random_seed( size = seed_size )
allocate( seed_array( seed_size ) )
seed_array = (/ (i, i=1,seed_size) /)

! Set space arrays
if (img .eq. 1) write (*,*) "RND, serial IO, etc. - wait..."
! Passing allocatable coarray into assumed-shape array, which is ok!
call ca_set_space_rnd( seed = seed_array, frac1=0.5, space = space )

! Calculate initial energy and magnetisation

! run=1 => ca_iter_tl
! run=2 => ca_iter_dc
! run=3 => ca_iter_omp
do run=1,3
  select case(run)
    call ca_ising_energy(     space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,       &
      iter_sub = ca_iter_tl,  kernel = ca_kernel_ising_ener,           &
      energy = energy0, magnet = magnet0 )
    call ca_ising_energy(     space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,       &
      iter_sub = ca_iter_dc,  kernel = ca_kernel_ising_ener,           &
      energy = energy1, magnet = magnet1 )
    call ca_ising_energy(     space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,       &
      iter_sub = ca_iter_omp, kernel = ca_kernel_ising_ener,           &
      energy = energy2, magnet = magnet2 )
  end select
end do

if (img .eq. 1 ) then
  write (*,*) "Initial energy and magnetisation"
  write (*,*) "ca_iter_tl :", energy0, magnet0
  write (*,*) "ca_iter_dc :", energy1, magnet1
  write (*,*) "ca_iter_omp:", energy2, magnet2
  if ( energy0 .ne. energy1 .or. magnet0 .ne. magnet1 .or.             &
       energy0 .ne. energy2 .or. magnet0 .ne. magnet2 ) then
    write (*,*) "FAIL: ca_iter_tl, ca_iter_dc, ca_iter_omp differ"
    error stop
    write (*,*) "PASS: ca_iter_tl, ca_iter_dc, ca_iter_omp agree"
  end if
end if

! save old space as space0
space0 = space

! run=1 => ca_iter_tl
! run=2 => ca_iter_dc
! run=3 => ca_iter_omp
main: do run=1,3

  ! Reset space to space0
  space = space0

! No IO here

! No timing
! here

  ! CA iterations
  loop: do iter = 1,100
    ! Check energy after every iter
    ! subroutine ca_run(    space, hx_sub, iter_sub, kernel, niter )
    select case(run)
      call ca_run(    space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,               &
        iter_sub = ca_iter_tl,  kernel = ca_kernel_ising, niter = 1 )
      call ca_ising_energy(     space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,     &
        iter_sub = ca_iter_tl,  kernel = ca_kernel_ising_ener,         &
        energy = energy1, magnet = magnet1 )
      call ca_run(    space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,               &
        iter_sub = ca_iter_dc,  kernel = ca_kernel_ising, niter = 1 )
      call ca_ising_energy(     space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,     &
        iter_sub = ca_iter_dc,  kernel = ca_kernel_ising_ener,         &
        energy = energy1, magnet = magnet1 )
      call ca_run(    space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,               &
        iter_sub = ca_iter_omp, kernel = ca_kernel_ising, niter = 1 )
      call ca_ising_energy(     space = space, hx_sub = ca_hx_all,     &
        iter_sub = ca_iter_omp, kernel = ca_kernel_ising_ener,         &
        energy = energy1, magnet = magnet1 )
    end select 
    if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
      if ( energy1 .ne. energy0 ) then
        write (*,*) "FAIL: energy0:", energy0, "energy1:", energy1
        error stop
        if ( mod((iter-1), 100) .eq. 0 ) then
  !      write (*,"(a,i0,a,es18.6)") "Magnetisation_after_iter_",      &
  !        iter, ":", real(magnet1) / real(mcells)
          write (*,*) iter, real(magnet1) / real(mcells)
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end do loop

! no sync needed here
! no IO here
! no counter
! here

  if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
    select case(run)
        if ( magnet1 .eq. magnet_ref ) then
          write (*,*) "PASS: ca_iter_tl : final mag:", magnet1
! no timing here
          write (*,"(2(a,i0))")                                        &
            "FAIL: ca_iter_tl : magnetisation ref value: ",            &
             magnet_ref, " my value: ", magnet1
        end if
        if ( magnet1 .eq. magnet_ref ) then
          write (*,*) "PASS: ca_iter_dc : final mag:", magnet1
! no timing here
          write (*,"(2(a,i0))")                                        &
            "FAIL: ca_iter_dc : magnetisation ref value: ",            &
             magnet_ref, " my value: ", magnet1
        end if
        if ( magnet1 .eq. magnet_ref ) then
          write (*,*) "PASS: ca_iter_omp: final mag:", magnet1
! no timing here
          write (*,"(2(a,i0))")                                        &
            "FAIL: ca_iter_omp: magnetisation ref value: ",            &
             magnet_ref, " my value: ", magnet1
        end if
    end select

  end if

end do main

! deallocate halos, implicit sync all
call ca_hdalloc

! deallocate space
deallocate( space )
deallocate( space0 )

end program ising