tests/testABQ [ Unit tests ]
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!$Id: testABQ.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $ program testABQ
Checking: cgca_igb
Checking inialisation of the grain boundary cells. Right after the solidification and grain boundary smoothing call cgca_igb, and actually create the intact GB cells in the fracture array.
The program must be called with 2 command line arguments, both positive integers. These are codimensions along 1 and 2. The number of images must be such that codimension3 = num_images()/( codimension1 * codimension3 ) is a positive integer. Example:
./testABQ.x 2 2
which will make the third codimension equal to 16/(2*2)=4.
Anton Shterenlikht
cgca testaux
Part of CGPACK test suite
use testaux implicit none logical( kind=ldef ), parameter :: yesdebug=.true., nodebug=.false., & periodicbc=.true., noperiodicbc=.false. real, parameter :: gigabyte=real(2**30), resolution=1.0e-5 real( kind=rdef ), allocatable :: grt(:,:,:)[:,:,:] integer( kind=idef ) :: l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3, & cou3, nuc, nimages, codim(3)[*], iter integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable :: space(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:] integer( kind=ilrg ) :: icells,mcells real :: image_storage logical( kind=ldef ) :: solid, image1 !*********************************************************************72 ! first executable statement nimages = num_images() image1 = .false. if (this_image() .eq. 1) image1 = .true. ! do a check on image 1 if (image1) then call getcodim(nimages,codim) ! print a banner call banner("ABQ") ! print the parameter values call cgca_pdmp write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "running on ", nimages, " images in a 3D grid" end if sync all codim(:) = codim(:)[1] l1 = 1 l2 = l1 l3 = l1 u1 = 2**6 ! 64 u2 = u1 u3 = u1 col1 = 1 cou1 = codim(1) - col1 + 1 col2 = 1 cou2 = codim(2) - col2 + 1 col3 = 1 cou3 = codim(3) - col3 + 1 ! total number of cells in a coarray icells = int( u1-l1+1, kind=ilrg ) * & int( u2-l2+1, kind=ilrg ) * & int( u3-l3+1, kind=ilrg ) ! total number of cells in the model mcells = icells * int( nimages, kind=ilrg ) ! total number of nuclei ! nuc should not exceed resolution*mcells nuc = 20 100 format( a,3(i0,":",i0,a) ) if (image1) then write (*,100) "bounds: (", l1,u1,",", l2,u2,",", l3,u3, ")" write (*,100) "cobounds: [", & col1,cou1,",", col2,cou2,",", col3,cou3, "]" ! An absolute minimum of storage, in GB, per image. ! A factor of 2 is used because will call _sld, which ! allocates another array of the same size and kind as ! coarray. image_storage = real(2 * icells*storage_size(space)/8)/gigabyte write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Each image has ",icells, " cells" write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", mcells, " cells" write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", nuc, " nuclei" write (*,'(a,es9.2,a)') "Each image will use at least ", & image_storage, " GB memory" end if ! initialise random number seed call cgca_irs( nodebug ) ! allocate space with two layers call cgca_as( l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,2,space ) ! allocate rotation tensors call cgca_art( 1, nuc, col1, cou1, col2, cou2, col3, grt ) ! initialise space space( :, :, :, cgca_state_type_grain ) = cgca_liquid_state space( :, :, :, cgca_state_type_frac ) = cgca_intact_state ! nuclei, sync all inside call cgca_nr( space, nuc, yesdebug ) ! assign rotation tensors, sync all inside call cgca_rt( grt ) ! set a single crack nucleus in the centre of the front face space( u1/2, u2/2, u3, cgca_state_type_frac )[ cou1/2, cou2/2, cou3] = & cgca_clvg_state_100_edge ! solidify, implicit sync all inside call cgca_sld( space, noperiodicbc, 0, 10, solid ) ! smoothen the GB, several iterations, sync needed do iter=1,2 call cgca_gbs( space ) sync all ! halo exchange, following smoothing call cgca_hxi( space ) sync all end do ! update grain connectivity, local routine, no sync needed call cgca_igb( space ) if ( image1 ) write (*,*) "dumping model to files" ! dump space arrays to files, only image 1 does it, all others ! wait at the barrier, hence sync needed call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_grain, 10, "zg1.raw" ) call cgca_swci( space, cgca_state_type_frac, 10, "zf1.raw" ) if ( image1 ) write (*,*) "finished dumping model to files" ! deallocate all arrays, implicit sync all. call cgca_ds( space ) call cgca_drt( grt ) end program testABQ