tests/testABN [ Unit tests ]

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!$Id: testABN.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $

program testABN


Testing solidification with MPI/IO, cgca_m2mpiio/cgca_pswci


Solidification with Cray reduction, CO_SUM (cgca_sld3). Timing output of MPI/IO (cgca_pswci) against the serial version (cgca_swci).


The program must be called with 2 command line arguments, both positive integers. These are codimensions along 1 and 2. The number of images must be such that codimension3 = num_images()/( codimension1 * codimension3 ) is a positive integer. Example:

      ./testABN.x 2 2

which will make the third codimension equal to 16/(2*2)=4.


Anton Shterenlikht




cgca testaux


Part of CGPACK test suite


use testaux

implicit none

real,parameter :: gigabyte=real(2**30), resolution=1.0e-5, &
 loge2 = log(real(2))
logical(kind=ldef),parameter :: yesdebug = .true., nodebug = .false.

integer(kind=idef) :: l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,cou3, &
 nuc,    & ! number of nuclei in the model
 nimages, codim(3)[*], p
integer(kind=iarr),allocatable :: space(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:]
integer(kind=ilrg) :: icells, mcells, img

real :: time1, time2, fsizeb, fsizeg, tdiff

logical(kind=ldef) :: solid

! first executable statement

img = this_image()
nimages = num_images()

! do a check on image 1
if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
 call getcodim(nimages,codim)
 ! print a banner
 call banner("ABN")
 ! print the parameter values
 call cgca_pdmp
 write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "running on ", nimages, " images in a 3D grid"
 ! dump the value of p
 write (*,"(a,i0)") "p=",p
end if

! all images read codim from image 1
sync all
codim(:) = codim(:)[1]

l1 = 1
l2 = l1
l3 = l1

! The array size is only controlled by this value in this program.
u1 = 2**7 ! 128
u2 = u1
u3 = u1

col1 = 1
col2 = col1
col3 = col1

cou1 = codim(1)-col1+1
cou2 = codim(2)-col2+1
cou3 = codim(3)-col3+1

! total number of cells in a coarray
icells = int(u1-l1+1,kind=ilrg) * int(u2-l2+1,kind=ilrg) *            &

! total number of cells in the model
mcells = icells * int(codim(1),kind=ilrg) * int(codim(2),kind=ilrg) * &

! total number of nuclei
nuc = int( resolution * real( mcells ) )

if ( img .eq. 1 ) then
  write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') &
    "bounds: (",l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3
  write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') &
    "cobounds: (",col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,cou3

! Total output file size, in B and in GB.
fsizeb = real( mcells*storage_size(space,kind=ilrg)/8_ilrg )
fsizeg = fsizeb / gigabyte

  write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Each image has ",icells, " cells"
  write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", mcells, " cells"
  write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", nuc, " nuclei"
  write (*,'(2(a,es9.2),a)') "The output file size is ", fsizeb, &
   " B, or ", fsizeg, "GB."
end if

! calculate file size in MB
! allocate coarray
call cgca_as(l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,1,space)

! initialise coarray to liquid
space = cgca_liquid_state

! populate nuclei
call cgca_nr(space,nuc,nodebug)

! solidify
!subroutine cgca_sld3(coarray,iter,heartbeat,solid)
call cgca_sld3(space,0,1,solid)

! dump the model
call cpu_time(time1)
call cgca_pswci(space, cgca_state_type_grain, 'mpiio.raw')
call cpu_time(time2)
tdiff = time2-time1
if (img .eq. 1) write (*,*) "MPI/IO: ", tdiff, "s, rate: ", fsizeg/tdiff, "GB/s."

call cpu_time(time1)
call cgca_swci (space, cgca_state_type_grain, 10, 'serial.raw')
call cpu_time(time2)
tdiff = time2-time1
if (img .eq. 1) write (*,*) "Serial IO: ", tdiff, "s, rate: ", fsizeg/tdiff, "GB/s."

! deallocate all arrays
call cgca_ds(space)

end program testABN