cgca_m2out/m2out_sm2_mpi [ Submodules ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m2out ] [ Submodules ]




!$Id: m2out_sm2_mpi.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $

submodule ( cgca_m2out ) m2out_sm2_mpi


Submodule of cgca_m2out dealing with parallel IO using MPI/IO library


David Henty, modified by Anton Shterenlikht


Note that this routine has special Copyright conditions.

    !                                                                            !
    !  MPI-IO routine for Fortran Coarrays                                       !
    !                                                                            !
    !  David Henty, EPCC;                                  !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Copyright 2013 the University of Edinburgh                                !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Licensed under the Apache LICENSE, Version 2.0 (the "LICENSE");           !
    !  you may not use this file except in compliance with the LICENSE.          !
    !  You may obtain a copy of the LICENSE at                                   !
    !                                                                            !
    !                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       !
    !  distributed under the LICENSE is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         !
    !  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  !
    !  See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and       !
    !  limitations under the LICENSE.                                            !
    !                                                                            !




Variables and parameters of the parent module cgca_m2out via host association.


The parent module cgca_m2out.


use mpi
implicit none


m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ m2out_sm2_mpi ] [ Subroutines ]




!module procedure cgca_pswci
  module subroutine cgca_pswci( coarray, stype, fname )
    ! In submodule m2out_sm2_mpi.f90
    ! Parallel Stream Write Coarray of Integers:
    ! - coarray - what array to dump
    ! - stype - what cell state type to dump
    ! - fname - what file name to use
    integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent( in ) ::                 &
    integer( kind=idef ),intent( in ) :: stype
    character( len=* ), intent( in ) :: fname


!    See the interface block in the parent module cgca_m2out.


!    None


A single binary file is created using MPI/IO with contents of coarray.


Parallel Stream Write Coarray of Integers:


All images must call this routine!

MPI must be initialised prior to calling this routine, most probably in the main program. Likewise MPI must be terminated only when no further MPI routines can be called. This will most likely be in the main program. There are some assumptions about the shape of the passed array.

The default integer is assumed for the array at present!


Anton Shterenlikht, adapted from the code written by David Henty, EPCC


cgca_m1co, MPI library


none, end user.


integer, parameter :: totdim = 4, arrdim = totdim-1, coardim = 3

integer :: img, nimgs, comm, ierr=0, rank=0, mpisize=0, filetype,      &
           mpi_subarray, fh, funit
integer, dimension(totdim) :: asizehal
integer, dimension(arrdim) :: arrsize, arstart, artsize
integer, dimension(coardim) :: coarsize, copos
integer( kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND ) :: disp = 0
integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: mpistat

character( len=80 ) :: iomsg

  img = this_image()
nimgs = num_images()

asizehal(:) = shape( coarray )
   copos(:) = this_image( coarray )

! Subtract halos
 arrsize(:) = asizehal(1:arrdim) - 2
coarsize(:) = ucobound(coarray) - lcobound(coarray) + 1

! Does the array fit exactly?
if ( product( coarsize ) .ne. nimgs) then
 write(*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: non-conforming coarray'
 error stop
end if

call MPI_Comm_size( comm, mpisize, ierr )
call MPI_Comm_rank( comm, rank, ierr )

! Sanity check
if ( mpisize .ne. nimgs .or. rank .ne. img-1 ) then
  write(*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: MPI/coarray mismatch'
  error stop
end if
! Define filetype for this process, ie what portion of the global array
! this process owns. Starting positions use C-indexing
! (ie counting from 0).
artsize(:) = arrsize(:) * coarsize(:)
arstart(:) = arrsize(:) * (copos(:)-1)

! debug
!write (*,*) "image",img, "asizehal", asizehal, "copos", copos,         &
!  "arrsize", arrsize, "coarsize", coarsize,                            &
!  "artsize", artsize, "arstart", arstart, "stype", stype

call MPI_Type_create_subarray( arrdim, artsize, arrsize, arstart,      &
if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
 write (*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci:&
   & MPI_type_create_subarray filetype: rank ', rank
 error stop
end if

call MPI_Type_commit( filetype, ierr )

! Define subarray for this process, ie what portion of the local array
! is to be written (excludes halos); starting positions use C-indexing.

arstart(:) = 1

call MPI_Type_create_subarray( arrdim, asizehal, arrsize, arstart,     &
 MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_subarray, ierr)
if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
 write (*,*) 'ERROR: cgca_pswci: MPI_type_create_subarray&
   & mpi_subarray: rank ', rank
 error stop
end if

call MPI_Type_commit(mpi_subarray, ierr)

!  "Striping information cannot be changed on an existing
! file, so to set the stripe count (and stripe size) for the amount of
! parallelism you want to achieve, the file must be deleted if it exists."
! From: Cray Getting Started on MPI I/O manual, S-2490-40 - Dec 2009:

!if ( rank .eq. 0 ) then
!  call MPI_File_delete( fname, MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr )
!  if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS )                                         &
!    error stop "ERROR: cgca_pswci: MPI_file_delete: rank 0"
!end if

! All ranks wait till rank 0 deletes the file
!call MPI_Barrier( comm, ierr )
!if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
!  write (*,*) 'ERROR: cgca_pswci: MPI_file_open: rank ', rank
!  error stop
!end if

! Overwriting MPI/IO files does not involve erasing the file first.
! So if the old file was bigger, the new smaller file will still
! be sized on disk as the old file, with only a part of it overwritten
! with new data. That would be bad. To avoid this
! image 1 removes all previous contents of this file, if it exists.
rm: if ( img .eq. 1 ) then

  ! this should not be necessary, but Cray issues a caution otherwise
  funit = 0

write (*,*) "DEBUG: fname:", fname

  open( newunit=funit, file=fname, status="replace", iostat=ierr,      &
        iomsg=iomsg )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: open( fname ),&
      & iostat=", ierr, "iomsg:", iomsg
    error stop
  end if

  write( funit, * , iostat=ierr) ""
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: write( fname ),&
      & iostat=", ierr
    error stop
  end if

!  flush( funit, iostat=ierr )
!  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
!    write (*,*) "ERROR: cgca_m2mpiio: flush( fname ), iostat=",ierr
!    error stop
!  end if

  close( funit, iostat=ierr )
  if ( ierr .ne. 0 ) then
    write (*,*) "ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: close( fname ),&
      & iostat=", ierr
    error stop
  end if

end if rm

! all images wait till image 1 erases the previous file
sync all

!  Open the file for writing only and attach to file handle fh
!  No IO hints are passed since MPI_INFO_NULL is specified
call MPI_File_open( comm, fname, ior(MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_MODE_CREATE),&
                    MPI_INFO_NULL, fh, ierr )
if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
  write (*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: MPI_file_open: rank ', &
  error stop
end if

!  Set view for this process using appropriate datatype
call MPI_File_set_view(                                                &
 fh, disp, MPI_INTEGER, filetype, 'native', MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr)
if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
  write (*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: MPI_file_set_view:&
    & rank ', rank
  error stop
end if

! Write all the data for this process.
! Remove halo data by passing an explicit Fortran subarray
call MPI_File_write_all( fh, coarray(:,:,:,stype), 1, mpi_subarray,    &
                         mpistat, ierr )
if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
  write (*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: MPI_file_write_all:&
    & rank ', rank
  error stop
end if

!  Close file
call MPI_File_close( fh, ierr )
if ( ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS ) then
 write (*,*) 'ERROR: m2out_sm2_mpi/cgca_pswci: MPI_file_close: rank ', &
 error stop
end if

call MPI_Type_free( filetype, ierr )
call MPI_Type_free( mpi_subarray, ierr )

!end procedure cgca_pswci
end subroutine cgca_pswci