tests/testAAK [ Unit tests ]
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!$Id: testAAK.f90 529 2018-03-26 11:25:45Z mexas $ program testAAK
Checking: cgca_sld, cgca_nr, cgca_irs, cgca_hxg
This program is designed to assess the max coarray dimension, assuming cubic coarray, and cubic coarray grid. Run it until it fails to fit in memory. The array is not written to disk.
Note that on HPC systems it makes sense to maximise the number of processors, and run as quickly as possible, rather then maximise the memory used by each processor. So the purpose of this test is limited to computers with limited number of processors, where achieving a big model requires using all memory.
On the other hand, CGPACK, at present, does not scale well, so using lots of memory per node and fewer nodes is best for performance for now.
The program must be called with 2 command line arguments, both positive integers. These are codimensions along 1 and 2. The number of images must be such that codimension3 = num_images()/( codimension1 * codimension3 ) is a positive integer. Example:
cafrun -np 16 ./testAAK.x 2 2 ! OpenCoarrays
./testAAK.x 2 2 ! Intel, Cray
which will make the third codimension equal to 16/(2*2)=4.
Anton Shterenlikht
cgca testaux
Part of CGPACK test suite
use testaux implicit none logical(kind=ldef),parameter :: yesdebug=.true., nodebug=.false., & periodicbc=.true. real,parameter :: gigabyte=real(2**30) integer(kind=idef) :: l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3, & cou3,nimages,myimage,codim(3)[*] integer(kind=iarr),allocatable :: space1(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:] integer(kind=ilrg) :: icells,mcells logical(kind=ldef) :: solid real :: image_storage !*********************************************************************72 ! first executable statement nimages=num_images() myimage=this_image() ! do a check on image 1 if (myimage .eq. 1) then call getcodim(nimages,codim) ! print a banner call banner("AAK") ! print the parameter values call cgca_pdmp write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "running on ", nimages, " images in a 3D grid" write (*,*) "codim:", codim end if sync all codim(:) = codim(:)[1] if (myimage .eq. 2) call system("sleep 1") l1=1 l2=l1 l3=l1 u1=10 u2=u1 u3=u1 col1=1 cou1=codim(1)-col1+1 col2=1 cou2=codim(2)-col2+1 col3=1 cou3=codim(3)-col3+1 ! initialise random number seed call cgca_irs(nodebug) main: do if (myimage .eq. 1) then write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "bounds: (",l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3 write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "cobounds: (",col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,cou3 ! total number of cells in a coarray icells = int(u1-l1+1,kind=ilrg) * int(u2-l2+1,kind=ilrg) * & int(u3-l3+1,kind=ilrg) ! total number of cells in the model mcells = icells * int(codim(1),kind=ilrg) * int(codim(2),kind=ilrg) * & int(codim(3),kind=ilrg) ! An absolute minimum of storage, in GB, per image. ! A factor of 2 is used because will call _sld, which ! allocates another array of the same size and kind as ! coarray. image_storage = real(2*icells) * real(storage_size(space1)/8)/gigabyte write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "Each image has ",icells, " cells" write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "The model has ", mcells, " cells" write (*,'(a,es9.2,a)') "Each image will use at least ", & image_storage, " GB memory" end if ! allocate coarray call cgca_as(l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,1,space1) ! initialise coarray to all solid space1 = int( this_image(), kind=iarr ) sync all ! make only one liquid cell space1(l1,l2,l3,cgca_state_type_grain)[col1,col2,col3] = & cgca_liquid_state !call cgca_swci(space1,10,"z0.raw") sync all ! solidify 1 call cgca_sld(space1,periodicbc,0,0,solid) !call cgca_swci(space1,10,"z9end.raw") call cgca_ds(space1) ! if all is fine, continue if (myimage .eq. 1) write (*,*) "ok" ! increase the size of coarray u1 = u1+1 u2 = u1 u3 = u1 end do main end program testAAK