tests/testAAD [ Unit tests ]
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!$Id: testAAD.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $ program testAAD
Checking the mapping routines.
The program must be called with 2 command line arguments, both positive integers. These are codimensions along 1 and 2. The number of images must be such that codimension3 = num_images()/( codimension1 * codimension3 ) is a positive integer. Example:
cafrun -np 16 ./testAAD.x 2 2 ! OpenCoarrays
./testAAD.x 2 2 ! Intel, Cray
which will make the third codimension equal to 16/(2*2)=4.
Anton Shterenlikht
cgca testaux
Part of CGPACK test suite
use testaux implicit none integer(kind=idef) :: l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3, & nimages,super_in(3),super_out(3),imgpos(3),local(3),test, & codim(3)[*] integer(kind=iarr),allocatable :: space1(:,:,:,:)[:,:,:] !*********************************************************************72 ! first executable statement nimages=num_images() ! do a check on image 1 if (this_image() .eq. 1) then call getcodim(nimages,codim) ! print a banner call banner("AAD") ! print the parameter values call cgca_pdmp write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "running on ", nimages, " images in a 3D grid" write (*,*) "codim:", codim end if sync all codim(:) = codim(:)[1] if (this_image() .eq. 2) call system("sleep 1") !*********************************************************** ! test 1 test = 1 l1=1 u1=10 l2=1 u2=10 l3=1 u3=10 col1=1 cou1=2 col2=1 cou2=2 col3=1 if (this_image() .eq. 1) then write (*,*) "test 1" write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "bounds: (",l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3 write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "cobounds: (",col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3, & nimages/((cou1-col1+1)*(cou2-col2+1))+col3-1 end if call cgca_as(l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,1,space1) super_in=(/20,10,1/) if (this_image() .eq. 1) then call cgca_gl(super_in,space1,imgpos,local) write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "super in ", super_in write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "imgpos ", imgpos write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "local ", local call cgca_lg(imgpos,local,space1,super_out) write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "super out ", super_out if (all(super_out .eq. super_in)) then write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "test ", test, " passed ok" else write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "****** ERROR: TEST ", test, " FAILED" error stop end if end if sync all call cgca_ds(space1) !*********************************************************** ! test 2 test = 2 l1=-7 u1=-3 l2=-10 u2=10 l3=-5 u3=0 col1=-2 cou1=-1 col2=-1 cou2=0 col3=8 if (this_image() .eq. 1) then write (*,*) "test 2" write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "bounds: (",l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3 write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "cobounds: (",col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3, & nimages/((cou1-col1+1)*(cou2-col2+1))+col3-1 end if call cgca_as(l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,2,space1) super_in=(/5,4,3/) if (this_image() .eq. 1) then call cgca_gl(super_in,space1,imgpos,local) write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "super in ", super_in write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "imgpos ", imgpos write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "local ", local call cgca_lg(imgpos,local,space1,super_out) write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "super out ", super_out if (all(super_out .eq. super_in)) then write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "test ", test, " passed ok" else write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "****** ERROR: TEST ", test, " FAILED" error stop end if end if sync all call cgca_ds(space1) !*********************************************************** ! test 3 test = 3 l1=73 u1=100 l2=15 u2=20 l3=-99 u3=-90 col1=15 cou1=16 col2=0 cou2=1 col3=-10 if (this_image() .eq. 1) then write (*,*) "test 3" write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "bounds: (",l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3 write (*,'(a,2(i0,":",i0,","),i0,":",i0,")")') & "cobounds: (",col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3, & nimages/((cou1-col1+1)*(cou2-col2+1))+col3-1 end if call cgca_as(l1,u1,l2,u2,l3,u3,col1,cou1,col2,cou2,col3,3,space1) super_in=(/5,4,3/) if (this_image() .eq. 1) then call cgca_gl(super_in,space1,imgpos,local) write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "super in ", super_in write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "imgpos ", imgpos write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "local ", local call cgca_lg(imgpos,local,space1,super_out) write (*,'(a,3(i0,tr1))') "super out ", super_out if (all(super_out .eq. super_in)) then write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "test ", test, " passed ok" else write (*,'(a,i0,a)') "****** ERROR: TEST ", test, " FAILED" error stop end if end if sync all call cgca_ds(space1) end program testAAD