cgca_m2hx/cgca_hxic [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m2hx ] [ Subroutines ]




module procedure cgca_hxic


!    See the parent module


!    See INPUT




This routine checks that a prior hx call was done flagly, i.e. that the halo cell states are consistent with the states of the corresponding real boundary cells. This routine can be called for any internal hx algorithm, e.g. cgca_hxi or cgca_hxir.


All images must call this routine! Lots of remote calls.


All data objects from parent module cgca_m2hx by host association.


module cgca_m2hx


integer ::                                                             &
  lbv(4)      , & ! lower bounds of the "virtual" coarray
  ubv(4)      , & ! upper bounds of the "virtual" coarray
  lbr(4)      , & ! lower bounds of the "real" coarray, lbv+1
  ubr(4)      , & ! upper bounds of the "real" coarray, ubv-1
  lcob(3)     , & ! lower cobounds of the coarray
  ucob(3)     , & ! upper cobounds of the coarray
  imgpos(3)       ! position of the image in a coarray grid

! Start with 0. Any error must resuult in a positive value.
flag = 0

! check for allocated 
if ( .not. allocated( coarray ) )                                      &
  error stop "ERROR: cgca_hxic/m2hx_hxic: coarray is not allocated"

   lbv = lbound( coarray )
   ubv = ubound( coarray )
   lbr = lbv + 1
   ubr = ubv - 1
  lcob = lcobound( coarray )
  ucob = ucobound( coarray )
imgpos = this_image( coarray )

! Make sure only the virtual (halo) arrays are assigned to.
! The real array values must never appear on the left
! hand side of the assignment expressions.
! The halo exchange process is copying real array values into halos.
! There must not ever be copying real values
! to real, or halo to halo, or halo to real.
! Also, only local array must appear on the left.
! We are assigning values to the local array's virtual
! (halo) cells using values from real cells from arrays
! in other images.

! Check 2D halos in direction 1

! op 1
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
     coarray( lbv(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.    &
     coarray( ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )         &
       [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 2
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.     &
    coarray( lbr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )          &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! exchange 2D halos in direction 2

! op 3
if ( imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbv(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.     &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )          &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 4
if ( imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , ubv(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.     &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )          &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! exchange 2D halos in direction 3

! op 5
if ( imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.     &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , ubr(3) , : )          &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 6
if ( imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
  coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.       &
  coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) , : )            &
    [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! exchange 1D halos parallel to direction 3

! op 7
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1) .and. imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , lbv(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( ubr(1) , ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 8
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1) .and. imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , lbv(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , :) .ne.               &
    coarray( lbr(1) , ubr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , :)                    &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 9
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1) .and. imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , ubv(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) , lbr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 10
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1) .and. imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , ubv(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( ubr(1) , lbr(2) , lbr(3) : ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3) ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! exchange 1D halos parallel to direction 1

! op 11
if ( imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbv(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , ubr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 12
if ( imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbv(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , ubr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 13
if ( imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , ubv(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 14
if ( imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , ubv(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) : ubr(1) , lbr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1) , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! exchange 1D halos parallel to direction 2

! op 15
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 16
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 17
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.              &
    coarray( lbr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 18
if ( imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1) .and. imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.              & 
    coarray( ubr(1) , lbr(2) : ubr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                   &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2) , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! Exchange 8 scalar halos
! See diagram cgca1 in the manual.

! op 19
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , lbv(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( ubr(1) , ubr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 20
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , lbv(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( lbr(1) , ubr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 21
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , ubv(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( lbr(1) , lbr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 22
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. lcob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , ubv(2) , lbv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( ubr(1) , lbr(2) , ubr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3)-1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 23
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , lbv(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( ubr(1) , ubr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 24
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. lcob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , lbv(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.                       & 
    coarray( lbr(1) , ubr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2)-1 , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 25
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. ucob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( ubv(1) , ubv(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( lbr(1) , lbr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)+1 , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

! op 26
if ( (imgpos(1) .ne. lcob(1)) .and. (imgpos(2) .ne. ucob(2)) .and.     &
     (imgpos(3) .ne. ucob(3)) ) then
  if ( any(                                                            &
    coarray( lbv(1) , ubv(2) , ubv(3) , : ) .ne.                       &
    coarray( ubr(1) , lbr(2) , lbr(3) , : )                            &
      [ imgpos(1)-1 , imgpos(2)+1 , imgpos(3)+1 ] ) ) then
    flag = 1
    ! And return immediately
  end if
end if

end procedure cgca_hxic

cgca_m2hx/m2hx_hxic [ Submodules ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m2hx ] [ Submodules ]




!$Id: m2hx_hxic.f90 430 2017-06-30 07:39:43Z mexas $

submodule ( cgca_m2hx ) m2hx_hxic


Submodule of cgca_m2hx with a hx subroutine.


Anton Shterenlikht






Variables and parameters from the parent module cgca_m2hx.


The parent module cgca_m2hx.


implicit none
