cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_boxin [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_boxin( lowr, uppr, lres, bcol, charlen, debug,    &
  iflag )


!      lowr(3) - integer, local coordinates of the lower corner cell
!                in the space coarray on *this* image.
!      uppr(3) - integer, local coordinates of the upper corner cell
!                in the space coarray on *this* image.
!         lres - real, linear resolution of the model, how many cells
!                per linear physical unit of length. 
!      bcol(3) - real, coordinates of the coarray box on this image
!                in physical units, in CA coord. system.
!      charlen - real, characteristic length of an FE in the model.
!                This parameter is used to determine whether a cell
!                is "close enough" to a centroid of an FE.
!        debug - logical. If .true. will dump some dubug output

integer( kind=idef ), intent( in ) :: lowr(3), uppr(3)
real( kind=rdef ), intent( in ) :: lres, bcol(3), charlen
logical( kind=ldef ), intent( in ) :: debug


!    iflag - integer, 1 if all 8 corner cells of the box are inside
!            FE, 2 if all 8 corner cells of the box are outside of FE,
!            3 otherwise.

integer( kind=idef ), intent( out ) :: iflag


If debug is .true. dumps some output to stdout. Othewise none.


This routine calculates whether 8 corner cells of the given box are inside FE or not. There are 3 possibilities: (1) all 8 cells are inside FE. In this case iflag is set to 1. (2) all 8 cells are outside FE. In this case iflag is set to 2. (3) some cells are inside and others are outside. In this case iflag is set to 3. iflag will be used by a calling routine to decide what to do next.

The cells in a box are numbered according the Fortran convention, the leftmost index changes first:

                  1                  3
                  x------------------x   --> 2
                 /.                 /|
                / .                / |
               /  .               /  |
              /   .              /   |
          5  /    .           7 /    |
            x------------------x     | 
            |     .            |     |
          / |     x . . . . . .|. . .x 4
         /  |    . 2           |    /
        /   |   . .            |   /
       3    |  .  .            |  /
            | .   .            | /
            |.    .            |/
          6       |              8

This cell numbering convention is used for very small boxes, i.e. when the box size is 1 along some direction. So if the box size is 1 along 1, then following cells coincide: 2 as 1, 4 as 3, 6 as 5 and 8 as 7. If the box size is 1 along 2, then following cells coincide: 3 as 1, 4 as 2, 7 as 5 and 8 as 6. If the box size is 1 along 3, then following cells coincide: 5 as 1, 6 as 2, 7 as 3 and 8 as 4. This logic is used in the code. Logical array same(3) is used to show which box size is 1. same(i) is .true. if the box is of size 1 cell along dimension i. The box size is 1 when the lower cood. matches the upper coord. So same is calculated simly as: same = lowr .eq. uppr.




integer( kind=idef ) :: i, local(8,3), img
logical( kind=ldef ) :: same(3), flagarr(8)

img = this_image()

! From given corner cells, calculate 8 corner local coordinates
local( 1, : ) = (/ lowr(1), lowr(2), lowr(3) /)
local( 2, : ) = (/ uppr(1), lowr(2), lowr(3) /)
local( 3, : ) = (/ lowr(1), uppr(2), lowr(3) /)
local( 4, : ) = (/ uppr(1), uppr(2), lowr(3) /)
local( 5, : ) = (/ lowr(1), lowr(2), uppr(3) /)
local( 6, : ) = (/ uppr(1), lowr(2), uppr(3) /)
local( 7, : ) = (/ lowr(1), uppr(2), uppr(3) /)
local( 8, : ) = (/ uppr(1), uppr(2), uppr(3) /)

! Take care of repeated cells, i.e. when one or more box dimensions
! is 1. same(i) is .true. if the box lower and upper coord. are
! the same along dimension i.
same = lowr .eq. uppr

! Call cgca_pfem_cellin for each corner cell.
main: do i = 1, 8

  ! Cell 1 will always be evaluated, i.e. will call cgca_pfem_cellin.
  ! All other cells will be evaluated only if they are unique.

  ! Check direction 1
  dir1: if ( same(1) ) then
    ! Box is single cell long along 1. This means the following
    ! cells have the same flag: 2 as 1, 4 as 3, 6 as 5, 8 as 7.
    if ( ( i .eq. 2 ) .or. ( i .eq. 4 ) .or.                           &
         ( i .eq. 6 ) .or. ( i .eq. 8 ) ) then
      flagarr(i) = flagarr(i-1)
      cycle main
    end if 
  end if dir1
  ! Check direction 2
  dir2: if ( same(2) ) then
    ! Box is single cell long along 2. This means the following
    ! cells have the same flag: 3 as 1, 4 as 2, 7 as 5, 8 as 6.
    if ( ( i .eq. 3 ) .or. ( i .eq. 4 ) .or.                           &
         ( i .eq. 7 ) .or. ( i .eq. 8 ) ) then
      flagarr(i) = flagarr(i-2)
      cycle main
    end if 
  end if dir2

  ! Check direction 3
  dir3: if ( same(3) ) then
    ! Box is single cell long along 3. This means the following
    ! cells have the same flag: 5 as 1, 6 as 2, 7 as 3, 8 as 4.
    if ( ( i .eq. 5 ) .or. ( i .eq. 6 ) .or.                           &
         ( i .eq. 7 ) .or. ( i .eq. 8 ) ) then
      flagarr(i) = flagarr(i-4)
      cycle main
    end if 
  end if dir3

  ! subroutine cgca_pfem_cellin( lc, lres, bcol, charlen, debug, flag )
  ! flag .eq. .true. if inside FE
  ! flag .eq. .false. if outside FE
  call cgca_pfem_cellin( i, local, lres, bcol, charlen, debug,    &
    flagarr(i) )

  if ( debug ) write (*,"(4(a,i0),a,l1)")                              &
    "DEBUG: cgca_pfem_boxin: img: ", img, " local cell coord (",       &
     local( i, 1 ), ",", local( i, 2 ), ",", local( i, 3 ),            &
     ") flag: ", flagarr(i)

end do main

! If all flags are .true. then the box is inside, set iflag to 1
! If all flags are .false. then the box is outside, set iflag to 2
! Otherwise, part of the box is in and part is out, set iflag to 3
if ( all( flagarr ) ) then
  iflag = 1
elseif ( all( .not. flagarr ) ) then
  iflag = 2
  iflag = 3
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_boxin

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_cellin [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_cellin( index, lc, lres, bcol, charlen, debug, flag )


!     index - represents each corner cell 
!     lc(3) - integer, local coordinates of a cell in the space
!    coarray on *this* image.
!     lres - real, linear resolution of the model, how many cells per
!    linear physical unit of length. 
!     bcol(3) - real, coordinates of the coarray box on this image
!    in physical units, in CA coord. system.
!     charlen - real, characteristic length of an FE in the model.
!    This parameter is used to determine whether a cell is "close
!    enough" to a centroid of an FE.
!     debug - logical. If .true. will dump some debug info

integer( kind=idef ), intent( in ) :: index
integer( kind=idef ), intent( in ) :: lc(index,3)
real( kind=rdef ), intent( in ) :: lres, bcol(3), charlen
logical( kind=ldef ), intent( in ) :: debug


!     flag - logical, .true. if the cell in "inside" the FE model,
!    .false. otherwise

logical( kind=ldef ), intent( out ) :: flag


if debug is .true. dumps some output to stdout. Othewise none.


Scan all FE in lcentr array. If the coordinates of the cell in FE coord. system are close enough to the centroid of at least one element, then the cell is "inside" the FE model. Otherwise it is outside.


real( kind=rdef ) :: cacoord(3), cl2
integer( kind=idef ) :: i

! Assume the cell is outside by default. Only if it is proven to be in,
! change the flag to .true.
flag = .false.

! I need characteristic length squared for comparison
cl2 = charlen * charlen

! Calculate the global CA coord. of the given cell from the
! input local coord.
! lc / lres - distance in phys. units from the box lower corner 
! lc / lres + bcol - coord. in phys units in CA CS
cacoord = lc(index,:) / lres + bcol
!cacoord = lc / lres + bcol

if ( debug ) write (*,"(a,i0,a,3(es9.2,a))")                           &
  "DEBUG: cgca_pfem_cellin: img: ", this_image(),                      &
  " cacoord (",  cacoord(1), ",", cacoord(2), ",", cacoord(3), ")"

! Loop over all elements in lcentr
elements: do i = 1, size( lcentr )
  ! If the square of the distance between the cell and the centroid
  ! is less than the square of the characteristic length, then it's in
  if ( sum( (cacoord - lcentr(i)%centr(:) )**2 ) .lt. cl2 ) then
    flag = .true.
    exit elements
  end if
end do elements

end subroutine cgca_pfem_cellin

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_cenc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_cenc( origin, rot, bcol, bcou )


real( kind=rdef ), intent( in ) ::                                     &
 origin(3),        & ! origin of the "box" cs, in FE cs
 rot(3,3),         & ! rotation tensor *from* FE cs *to* CA cs
 bcol(3),          & ! lower phys. coords of the coarray on image
 bcou(3)             ! upper phys. coords of the coarray on image


Array lcentr is changed.


CENC stands for CENtroids Collection. This routine reads centroids of all elements, in FE coord. system, from all MPI processes and adds those with centroids within its CA "box" to its lcentr array.


This routine must be called only after coarray cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp has been established on all images. This routine *reads* coarrays on other images, hence sync must be used before calling this routine. However, the routine *does not* change coarrays, only reads. So no syncs are required inside this routine, as it constitutes a single execution segment. This routine uses all-to-all comm pattern. This might be inefficient on large numbers of PEs. In this case on can use cgca_pfem_map (in submodule m3pfem_sm1) instead, which does the same calculation using collectives and large tmp arrays.


lcentr via host association.


! initial length of lcentr array. A good choice will reduce the number
! of deallocate/allocate and will use the memory better.
integer, parameter :: lclenini = 100

integer :: errstat, i, j, nimgs, nelements, img_curr, ndims, rndint, &
 lclen, & ! current length of the lcentr array
 lcel     ! number of elements in lcentr array

! centroid coords in CA cs
real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ) :: cen_ca(3) ! 3D case only
real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ), allocatable :: tmp(:,:)
real :: rnd

! temp array to expand/contract lcentr
type( mcen ), allocatable :: lctmp(:)

nimgs = num_images()

! Allocate lcentr to the initial guess size.
lclen = lclenini
allocate( lcentr( lclen ), stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,'(a,i0)')                                                   &
   "ERROR: cgca_pfem_cenc: allocate( lcentr ), error code: ", errstat
  error stop
end if

! There are no elements yet in lcentr array
lcel = 0

! Choose the first image at random
! It is assumed that the RND has been initialised by a call
! to cgca_irs earlier on. 
call random_number( rnd )   ! [ 0 .. 1 )
rndint = int( rnd*nimgs )+1 ! [ 1 .. nimgs ]

! loop over all images, starting at a randomly chosen image
images: do i=rndint, rndint+nimgs-1

  ! Get the current image number.
  ! If it's > nimgs, subtract nimgs
  img_curr = i
  if ( img_curr .gt. nimgs ) img_curr = img_curr - nimgs

  ! how many elements
      ndims = size( cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[ img_curr ] % r, dim=1 )
  nelements = size( cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[ img_curr ] % r, dim=2 )

  ! use a temp array to pull all centroids data in one call
  allocate( tmp( ndims, nelements ), source=0.0_cgca_pfem_iwp,         &
            stat=errstat )
  if ( errstat .ne. 0 )                                                &
    error stop "ERROR: cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_cenc: allocate( tmp )"
  tmp = cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[ img_curr ] % r

  ! loop over all elements on that image
  elements: do j = 1, nelements

    ! Convert centroid coordinates from FE cs to CA cs
    ! cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[i]        - variable on image i
    ! cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[i]%r      - component that is the centroids
    !                                    real array
    ! cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[i]%r(:,j) - take finite element j, and all
    !                                    centroid coordinates for it.
    ! old algorithm - lots of small remote calls:
    ! cen_ca = &
    !  matmul( rot, cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[ img_curr ]%r(:,j) - origin )
    cen_ca = matmul( rot, tmp(:,j) - origin )

    ! Check whether CA cs centroid is within the box.
    ! If all CA cs centroid coordinates are greater or equal to
    ! the lower bound of the box, and all of them are also
    ! less of equal to the upper bound of the box, then the centroid
    ! is inside. Then add the new entry.
    inside: if ( all( cen_ca .ge. bcol ) .and.                         &
                 all( cen_ca .le. bcou ) ) then

      ! Increment the number of elements
      lcel = lcel + 1

      ! Expand the array if there is no space left to add the new entry.
      expand: if ( lclen .lt. lcel ) then 

        ! Double the length of the array
        lclen = 2 * lclen

        ! Allocate a temp array of this length
        allocate( lctmp( lclen ), stat=errstat )
        if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) error stop                               &
          "ERROR: cgca_pfem_cenc: allocate( lctmp ) 1"

        ! copy lcentr into the beginning of lctmp
        lctmp( 1:size( lcentr ) ) = lcentr

        ! move allocation from the temp array back to lcentr
        call move_alloc( lctmp, lcentr )

      end if expand

      ! Add new entry
      lcentr( lcel ) = mcen( img_curr, j, cen_ca )

    end if inside

  end do elements

  deallocate( tmp, stat=errstat )
  if ( errstat .ne. 0 )                                                &
    error stop "ERROR: cgca_pfem_cenc: deallocate( tmp )"

end do images

! Trim lcentr if it is longer than the number of elements
if ( lclen .gt. lcel ) then

  ! Allocate temp array to the number of elements
  allocate( lctmp( lcel ), stat=errstat )
  if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) error stop                                     &
    "ERROR: cgca_pfem_cenc: allocate( lctmp ) 2"

  ! Copy lcentr elements to the temp array
  lctmp = lcentr( 1 : lcel )

  ! move allocation from lctmp back to lcentr
  call move_alloc( lctmp, lcentr )
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_cenc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_cendmp [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_cendmp


Dumps some data to stdout


CENDMP stands for CENtroids array dump. This routine dumps lcentr to stdout.


Must call from all images.


integer :: i, img

img = this_image()

do i = 1, size( lcentr )
  write (*,"(3(a,i0),a,3(es10.2,tr1))")                                &
              "CA on img "       , img             ,                   &
              " <-> FE "         , lcentr(i)%elnum ,                   &
              " on img "         , lcentr(i)%image ,                   &
              " centr. in CA cs" , lcentr(i)%centr
end do

end subroutine cgca_pfem_cendmp

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp [ Data structures ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Data structures ]




type rca
  real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ), allocatable :: r(:,:)
end type rca
type( rca ) :: cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[*]


RCA stands for Rugged CoArray. cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp is a temporary scalar *coarray* of derived type with allocatable array component, storing centroids of ParaFEM finite elements, in FE coord. system, on this image. The array might be of different length on different images, so have to use an allocatable component of a coarray variable of derived type.


routines of this module + end user

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_ctalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_ctalloc( ndim, nels_pp )


integer, intent( in ) :: ndim, nels_pp

!    ndim - integer, number of DOF per node.
!    nels_pp - elements per MPI process (per image).


Allocatable array component cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp%r becomes allocated.


CTA stands for Centroids Temporary Allocate. This routine allocates an allocatable array component of scalar coarray cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp. The allocatable array stores FE centroid coordinates together with their numbers and MPI ranks where these are stored.


The array component can of different length on different images.




integer :: errstat=0

allocate( cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp%r( ndim, nels_pp ),                   &
          source=0.0_cgca_pfem_iwp,                                    &
          stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) error stop                                       &
  "ERROR: cgca_pfem_ctalloc: allocate( cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp%r )"

end subroutine cgca_pfem_ctalloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_ctdalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_ctdalloc


Allocatable array component of cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp becomes deallocate


CTD stands for Centroids Temporary Allocate. This routine deallocates an allocatable array component of coar. This must be done only after all images copied the contents of type( rca ) :: cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp[*] into their local, *not* coarray centroid arrays.




integer :: errstat=0

deallocate( cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp%r, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) error stop                                       &
  "ERROR: cgca_pfem_ctd: deallocate( cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp%r )"

end subroutine cgca_pfem_ctdalloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_ealloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_ealloc( nip, nels_pp )


!    nip - integer, number of integration points
!    nels_pp - elements per MPI process (per image).

integer, intent( in ) :: nip, nels_pp


Allocatable *local* array enew becomes allocated


This routine allocates an allocatable *local* array. The allocatable array stores the Young's modulus per FE element and integration point, for all FE that are stored on this image.


end user?


integer :: errstat=0

allocate( cgca_pfem_enew( nip, nels_pp ), stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0)")                                                   &
   "ERROR: cgca_pfem_ealloc: allocate( cgca_pfem_enew ), err. status", &
  error stop
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_ealloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_edalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_edalloc


Allocatable *local* array cgca_pfem_enew becomes deallocated.


This routine deallocates an allocatable *local* array used to store the Young's modulus per FE element and integration point


cgca_pfem_enew via host association.


end user?


integer :: errstat=0

deallocate( cgca_pfem_enew, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) error stop                                       &
  "ERROR: cgca_pfem_ealloc: deallocate( cgca_pfem_enew )"
end subroutine cgca_pfem_edalloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_enew [ Data structures ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Data structures ]




real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ), allocatable :: cgca_pfem_enew(:,:)


Naming: E New as in new Young's modulus. This *local* array stores Young's moduli for each integration point of each FE on this image.


cgca_pfem_uym + end user

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_intcalc1 [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_intcalc1( arrsize, fracvol )


!     arrsize - contains the 3 sizes of the space coarray.
!    Using the coarray sizes, the characteristic coarray
!    area is calculated.
!     fracvol - *real*, the number of failed (fractured) cells for each
!    image. It is calculated by cgca_fv, which *must* be called prior to
!    calling this routine.

integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ) :: arrsize(3)
real( kind=rdef), intent( in ) :: fracvol


cgca_pfem_integrity array changes


All FEs linked to this image get the same value of integrity. These are all FEs in lcentr array. For entry i in this array this is FE cgca_pfem_integrity( lcentr(i)%elnum ) on image lcentr(i)%image.

The integrity is 1 minus the ratio of number of failed cells to the cracteristic coarray area. If integrity < 0, set it to zero.


lcentr via host association


end user?


real :: carea ! characteristic area
integer, parameter :: kind_integ = kind( cgca_pfem_integrity % i )
real( kind=kind_integ ), parameter :: one = 1_kind_integ
integer( kind=idef ) :: i

! Volume, in cells, is the product of 3 coarray sizes.
! Don't forget to remove the halo cells! 
! Characteristic area is volume ** 2/3
carea = product( real( arrsize-2 ) ) ** 0.66666666666666666667

do i = 1, size( lcentr )

 ! integrity is calculate as: i = 1 - min(1,f),
 ! Integrity has the range [1..0], where i=1 for f=0, i=0 for f=1.  
 ! f=fracvol / carea   - Fraction of failed cells, 0 if no fracture,
 !                       1 or above when I consider the CA to have no
 !                       load bearing capacity. 
 ! min( 1, fraction) - To make sure fraction is [0..1].
 cgca_pfem_integrity[ lcentr(i)%image ] % i( lcentr(i)%elnum ) =       &
          one - min( one, fracvol / carea )
end do

end subroutine cgca_pfem_intcalc1

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_integalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_integalloc( nels_pp )


!    nels_pp - elements per MPI process (per image).

integer, intent(in) :: nels_pp


Allocatable array component cgca_pfem_integrity%i becomes allocated


This routine allocates cgca_pfem_integrity%i on this image. This is a *local*, non-coarray, array. Hence this routine can be called by any or all images. It should be called by all images, of course.

The array is allocated with the length equal to the number FE stored on *that* image.

Must set i to 1, to take care of cases when some FE are not linked to CA. integrity for such FESuch FE which are


cgca_pfem_integrity via host association.


end user?


integer :: errstat=0

allocate( cgca_pfem_integrity%i( nels_pp ),  source=1.0_rdef,          &
          stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0)")                                                   &
    "ERROR: cgca_pfem_integalloc: allocate( cgca_pfem_integrity%i )",  &
  error stop
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_integalloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_integdalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_integdalloc


Allocatable array component of cgca_pfem_integrity coarray becomes deallocated.


This routine deallocates allocatable array component of integrity: cgca_pfem_integrity%i.


cgca_pfem_integrity via host association


end user?


integer :: errstat=0

deallocate( cgca_pfem_integrity%i, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0)")                                                   &
   "ERROR: cgca_pfem_integalloc: deallocate( cgca_pfem_integrity%i )", &
  error stop
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_integdalloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_integrity [ Data structures ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Data structures ]




type cgca_pfem_integ_type
 real( kind=rdef ), allocatable :: i(:)
end type cgca_pfem_integ_type
type( cgca_pfem_integ_type ) :: cgca_pfem_integrity[*]


A derived type is needed because the length of the integrity array will differ from image to image. So this is a scalar coarray of derived type with a single component: allocatable array of integrity, i. i=1 means to damage, i=0 means no remaining load bearing capacity. This data will be used to update the Young's modulus


Set i to 1 on allocation to avoid problems later. The reason is that in cases when some FE are not connected to CA, the integrity of these FE will never be set of changed. So setting i to 1 on allocation is fool proof.


cgca_pfem_uym + end user?

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_partin [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_partin( coarray, cadim, lres, bcol, charlen, debug)


!      coarray - main model coarray
!        cadim - coarray dimensions. Can calculate from coarray, but
!                these will be known already anyway, so makes sense
!                to pass as input
!         lres - real, linear resolution of the model, how many cells
!                per linear physical unit of length. 
!      bcol(3) - real, coordinates of the coarray box on this image
!                in physical units, in CA coord. system.
!      charlen - real, characteristic length of an FE in the model.
!                This parameter is used to determine whether a cell
!                is "close enough" to a centroid of an FE.
!        debug - logical. If .true. will dump some dubug output

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent( inout ) ::                  &
  coarray( : , : , : , : ) [ : , : , : ]
integer( kind=iarr ), intent( in ) :: cadim(3)
real( kind=rdef ), intent( in ) :: lres, bcol(3), charlen
logical( kind=ldef ), intent( in ) :: debug


state of coarray changed


This is the most thorough routine to decide if cells are "inside" the FE model or not. It starts by checking boxes the size of the whole coarray on this image. If a box in partially in and partially out, it is split into two smaller boxes and the process continues until each box is either fully in, or fully out. If it is fully out, all fracture level cells of this box are set to state cgca_state_null.


This routine calls cgca_pfem_boxin, which in turn calls cgca_pfem_cellin, which accesses lcentr array on its own image. This routine updates coarray *locally*, on its own image only. So there are no remote read or write operations in this routine. No sync is needed inside this routine. Sync is likely needed before and after. In particular, the coarray and lcentr array must be defined on all images prior to calling this routine on any image.


cgca_pfem_boxin, cgca_boxsplit, cgca_inithead, cgca_addhead, cgca_rmhead, cgca_lstdmp


end user?


integer( kind=idef ) :: lwr(3), upr(3), iflag, stat, lwr1(3),          &
  upr1(3), lwr2(3), upr2(3)
type( cgca_lnklst_tpayld ) :: payload
type( cgca_lnklst_node ), pointer :: head

integer :: iter, img

img = this_image()

! Start with a box the size of the whole coarray on this image
! Note a conversion from iarr to idef
lwr = 1
upr = int( cadim, kind=idef )

! Initialise the linked list with this box as the head node
! Returns the pointer to the head node
payload%lwr = lwr
payload%upr = upr
call cgca_inithead( head, payload )

! Start iteration counter
iter = 1

! Check all nodes on the list
list: do

  ! debug output
  if ( debug ) then
    write (*,'(2(a,i0),a)') "DEBUG: cgca_pfem_partin: img: ", img,     &
                         " iter: ", iter, " linked list dump:"
    call cgca_lstdmp( head )
  end if

  ! Get the payload from the head node on the list
  payload = head%value
  lwr = payload%lwr
  upr = payload%upr 

  ! Initialise iflag before it's called for the first time

  ! Check if this box is in/out
  !subroutine cgca_pfem_boxin( lowr, uppr, lres, bcol, charlen, debug,
  !   iflag )
  call cgca_pfem_boxin( lwr, upr, lres, bcol, charlen, debug, iflag )

  ! Remove this box from the linked list in any case
  ! Check stat value later.
  call cgca_rmhead( head, stat )

  ! The whole box in, iflag=1
  chkiflag: if ( iflag .eq. 1 ) then

    ! Exit if the list has zero nodes
    if ( stat .eq. 1 ) exit list

  ! The whole box out, iflag=2
  else if ( iflag .eq. 2 ) then
    ! Mark all cells of this box, on *this* image, in the fracture
    ! layer as cgca_state_null.
    coarray( lwr(1):upr(1) , lwr(2):upr(2), lwr(3):upr(3) ,            &
             cgca_state_type_frac ) = cgca_state_null

    ! Exit if the list has zero nodes
    if ( stat .eq. 1 ) exit list

  ! Part in/part out
  else if ( iflag .eq. 3 ) then

    ! Split the box in two along the biggest dimension of the box
    call cgca_boxsplit( lwr, upr, lwr1, upr1, lwr2, upr2 )

    ! Add two new boxes on top of head.
    ! The first box.
    payload%lwr = lwr1
    payload%upr = upr1

    ! For the first node, if the head is not associated, i.e.
    ! stat is 1, then use cgca_inithead instead of cgca_addhead.
    ! The head will not be associated if the initial box, i.e.
    ! the whole CA on this image has to be split, which must always
    ! happen in the beginning of the process.
    if ( stat .eq. 0 ) then
      call cgca_addhead( head, payload )
      call cgca_inithead( head, payload )
    end if

    ! The second box.
    payload%lwr = lwr2
    payload%upr = upr2
    call cgca_addhead( head, payload )

  end if chkiflag

  ! increase the iteration counter
  iter = iter + 1

end do list

end subroutine cgca_pfem_partin

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_salloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_salloc( nels_pp, intp, comp )


!    nels_pp - number of elements on this image
!    intp - number of integration points per element
!    comp - number of stress tensor components

integer, intent( in ) :: nels_pp, intp, comp


Allocatable component array cgca_pfem_stress%stress becomes allocated


SALLOC stands for Allocate Stress tensor array. This routine allocates an allocatable array component of coar. The allocatable array stores all stress tensor components, for all integration points on all elements on an image.


cgca_pfem_iwp, host association


end user


integer :: errstat=0

allocate( cgca_pfem_stress%stress( nels_pp, intp, comp ),              &
          source=0.0_cgca_pfem_iwp, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0)") "ERROR: cgca_pfem_salloc: allocate( &
    &cgca_pfem_stress%stress ), err. status: ", errstat
  error stop
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_salloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_sdalloc [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_sdalloc


allocatable array cgca_pfem_stress%stress become deallocated


SDALLOC stands for Deallocate Stress tensor array. This routine deallocates allocatable array component of coar. This routine should be called only when the analysis is complete. Any and every image can call this routine.


cgca_pfem_stress%stress, host association



integer :: errstat=0

deallocate( cgca_pfem_stress%stress, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,"(a,i0)") "ERROR: cgca_pfem_sdalloc: deallocate( &
    &cgca_pfem_stress%stress ), err. status: ", errstat
  error stop
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_sdalloc

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_sdmp [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_sdmp


Dumps some data to stdout


SDMP stands for Stress tensor dump. This routine dumps stress tensors to stdout.


Must call from all images.


integer :: img, nel, nintp, el, intp

  img = this_image()
  nel = size( cgca_pfem_stress%stress, dim=1 )
nintp = size( cgca_pfem_stress%stress, dim=2 )

do el = 1, nel
  do intp = 1, nintp
    write (*,*) "img", img, "FE", el, "int p.", intp, "stress",        &
                cgca_pfem_stress%stress( el, intp, : )
  end do
end do

end subroutine cgca_pfem_sdmp

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_simg [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_simg( simg )


!    simg - mean stress tensor over all integration points on all
!    finite elements linked to CA on this image.
!    Note that I use CGPACK kind, because this var will be input to
!    a CGPACK routine.

real( kind=rdef ), intent(out) :: simg(3,3)


SIMG stands for mean Stress on an Image. The routine reads all stress tensors from all integration points for all elements which are linked to CA on this image, i.e. from lcentr array, and calculates the mean value. This value is then used to pass to the cleavage routine.


If size( lcentr ) .eq. 0, then there are no FE associated with coarray on this image. The set simg to 0.


integer, parameter :: comp=6 ! number of stress components

! Running total stress array
real( kind=rdef ) :: stot( comp )

! Temp stress array, to store remotely read values
real( kind=rdef ), allocatable :: str_tmp( : , : )

integer :: el, nel, rel, nintp, rimg, errstat

! Assertion check
! The number of stress components (6) is the same as dimension 3 of
! cgca_pfem_stress%stress
if ( size( cgca_pfem_stress%stress, dim=3 ) .ne. comp )                &
  error stop "ERROR: cgca_pfem_simg: &
   &size( cgca_pfem_stress%stress, dim=3 ) .ne. comp"

! Total number of elements linked to CA model on this image
! Total number of int. points per element
  nel = size( lcentr )
nintp = size( cgca_pfem_stress%stress, dim=2 )

! If there are no FE linked to this image, set simg to 0
! and return immediately.
if ( nel .eq. 0 ) then
  simg = 0.0_rdef
end if

! Allocate tmp stress array
allocate( str_tmp( nintp, comp ), source=0.0_rdef, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 )                                                  &
  error stop "ERROR: cgca_pfem_simg: allocate( str_tmp )"

! Add all stress tensors together. Loop over all elements linked
! to CA on this image and over all int. points.
stot = 0.0_rdef
do el=1, nel

  ! Calculate the image and the element numbers to read the stress
  ! data from.
  rimg = lcentr(el) % image
   rel = lcentr(el) % elnum

  ! Remote read of all stress values for this element
  str_tmp =                                                            & 
    real( cgca_pfem_stress[ rimg ] % stress( rel, : , : ), kind=rdef )

  ! Sum over all int. points, i.e. 1st dimension
  stot = stot + sum( str_tmp( : , : ), dim=1 )

end do

! Construct a (3,3) matrix from (6) vector.
! Observe the component order of ParaFEM
!   sx=stress(1)
!   sy=stress(2)
!   sz=stress(3)
!   txy=stress(4)
!   tyz=stress(5)
!   tzx=stress(6)
!   sigm=(sx+sy+sz)/three
simg(1,1) = stot(1)
simg(2,2) = stot(2)
simg(3,3) = stot(3)
simg(1,2) = stot(4)
simg(2,3) = stot(5)
simg(3,1) = stot(6)
simg(2,1) = simg(1,2)
simg(3,2) = simg(2,3)
simg(1,3) = simg(3,1)

! calculate the mean
simg = simg / real( nel*nintp, kind=rdef )

! deallocate temp stress array
deallocate( str_tmp, stat=errstat )
if ( errstat .ne. 0 ) then
  write (*,'(a,i0)')                                                   &
    "ERROR: cgca_pfem_simg: deallocate( str_tmp ), err. code: ", errstat
  error stop
end if

end subroutine cgca_pfem_simg

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_stress [ Data structures ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Data structures ]




type type_stress
  real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ), allocatable :: stress(:,:,:)
end type type_stress
type( type_stress ) :: cgca_pfem_stress[*]


This is a coarray with a single allocatable array component, to store all stress components for all integration points for all elements on an image. Have to use a derived type because cgca_pfem_stress%stress can be allocated to different length on different images. This data will be read by all images.

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_uym [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_uym( e_orig, nels_pp )


!     e_orig - *real* is the original Young's modulus.
!    For now assume a single value, i.e. all int points
!    have identical original value.
!     nels_pp - number of FEs for this image.

real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ), intent(in) :: e_orig
integer, intent(in) :: nels_pp


The Young's modulus gets updated with integrity


UYM stands for Update Young's Modulus This routine updates the value of the Young's modulus, e, e = e_original * integrity. Integrity - integer, cell integrity (from 0.0 to 1.0)


Purely local routine, no coarray operations. It seems the Young's modulus of 0 causes instability. So don't let it get to 0, use a small factor instead, e.g. 1.0e-3.


cgca_pfem_enew, cgca_pfem_integrity, all via host association.


end user?


real( kind=rdef ), parameter :: factor = 1.0e-3_rdef
integer :: fe

do fe = 1, nels_pp

 cgca_pfem_enew( : , fe ) = max( factor*e_orig,                        &
                             e_orig * cgca_pfem_integrity % i( fe ) )
end do

end subroutine cgca_pfem_uym

cgca_m3pfem/cgca_pfem_wholein [ Subroutines ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Subroutines ]




subroutine cgca_pfem_wholein( coarray )


!    coarray - main model coarray

integer( kind=iarr ), allocatable, intent( inout ) ::                  &
  coarray( : , : , : , : ) [ : , : , : ]


state of coarray changed


This is a very primitive routine to decide if cells are "inside" the FE model or not. It work on the whole coarray on an image. If there are no FE linked to coarray on this image, i.e. if lcentr array is of zero length, then all cells in the fracture layer of the coarray on this image are turned to cgca_state_null.


if ( size( lcentr ) .eq. 0 )                                           &
  coarray( : , : , : , cgca_state_type_frac ) = cgca_state_null
end subroutine cgca_pfem_wholein

cgca_m3pfem/lcentr [ Data structures ]

[ Top ] [ cgca_m3pfem ] [ Data structures ]




type mcen
  integer( kind=idef ) :: image
  integer( kind=idef ) :: elnum
  real( kind=cgca_pfem_iwp ) :: centr(3)
end type mcen
type( mcen ), allocatable :: lcentr(:)


A *private* *local* allocatable array of derived type with 3 components: (1) image number (2) the local element number on that image and (3) centroid coordinates in CA CS. Each entry in this array corresponds to an FE with centroid coordinates within the coarray "box" on this image.

Assumption!! This is a 3D problems, so the centroid is defined by 3 coordinates, hence centr(3).

MCEN stands for Mixed CENtroid data type. lcentr stands for *Local* array of CENTRoids.


This is *private* array, hence the name does not start with "cgca_pfem".


Many routines of this module.

CGPACK/cgca_m3pfem [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




!$Id: cgca_m3pfem.f90 380 2017-03-22 11:03:09Z mexas $

module cgca_m3pfem


Module dealing with interfacing CGPACK with ParaFEM.


Anton Shterenlikht, Luis Cebamanos




Public coarray variables of derived types: cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp, cgca_pfem_integrity, cgca_pfem_stress.

Public *local*, non-coarray, variable: cgca_pfem_enew.

Private *local*, non-coarray, variables: lcentr.

Public routines: cgca_pfem_boxin, cgca_pfem_cellin, cgca_pfem_cenc, cgca_pfem_cendmp, cgca_pfem_ctalloc, cgca_pfem_ctdalloc, cgca_pfem_ealloc, cgca_pfem_edalloc, cgca_pfem_intcalc1, cgca_pfem_integalloc, cgca_pfem_integdalloc, cgca_pfem_lcentr_dump (in submodule m3pfem_sm1), cgca_pfem_map (in submodule m3pfem_sm1), cgca_pfem_partin, cgca_pfem_salloc, cgca_pfem_sdalloc, cgca_pfem_sdmp, cgca_pfem_simg, cgca_pfem_uym, cgca_pfem_wholein


Modules cgca_m1co, cgca_m2lnklst, cgca_m2geom


end user?


use :: cgca_m1co
use :: cgca_m2lnklst, only : cgca_lnklst_tpayld, cgca_lnklst_node,     &
  cgca_inithead, cgca_addhead, cgca_lstdmp, cgca_rmhead
use :: cgca_m2geom, only : cgca_boxsplit

implicit none

public ::                                                              &
! routines
  cgca_pfem_boxin, cgca_pfem_cellin, &
  cgca_pfem_cenc, cgca_pfem_cendmp, cgca_pfem_ctalloc,                 &
  cgca_pfem_ctdalloc, cgca_pfem_ealloc, cgca_pfem_edalloc,             &
  cgca_pfem_integalloc, cgca_pfem_integdalloc, cgca_pfem_intcalc1,     &
  cgca_pfem_lcentr_dump, & ! in submodule m3pfem_sm1
  cgca_pfem_map,         & ! in submodule m3pfem_sm1
  cgca_pfem_partin, &
  cgca_pfem_salloc,  cgca_pfem_sdalloc, cgca_pfem_sdmp, cgca_pfem_simg,&
  cgca_pfem_uym, cgca_pfem_wholein,                         &
! variables 
  cgca_pfem_centroid_tmp, cgca_pfem_enew, cgca_pfem_integrity,         &

! corresponds to typical double precision real.
integer, parameter :: cgca_pfem_iwp = selected_real_kind(15,300)


  module subroutine cgca_pfem_lcentr_dump
  end subroutine cgca_pfem_lcentr_dump

  module subroutine cgca_pfem_map( origin, rot, bcol, bcou )
    real( kind=rdef ), intent( in ) ::                                 &
      origin(3),        & ! origin of the "box" cs, in FE cs
      rot(3,3),         & ! rotation tensor *from* FE cs *to* CA cs
      bcol(3),          & ! lower phys. coords of the coarray on image
      bcou(3)             ! upper phys. coords of the coarray on image
  end subroutine cgca_pfem_map

end interface