CGPACK progress, NOV-2015


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4-NOV-2015: Release 2.5 is out.

New capability - part of CA box is outside the FE model.

Previously the CA box was assumed to lie wholly inside the FE model. This presents problems for curved FE model boundaries, because fracture cannot be simulated on any free boundary. Quite a lot of new code was introduced to allow for the CA box to stick partly outside the FE model. All CA cells which are deemed to lie outside the FE model are given state cgca_state_null in the fracture layer. These cells are not processed at all in any fracture routines.

To illustrate the new behaviour, we deliberately created the CA box bigger than the FE model in xx14std.f90 . In addition the CA box was rotated with respect to the FE coord. system.

In this example the rotation is by π / 4 about axis 2 counter clockwise.

Grain interiors with grain boundaries excluded, superimposed on a slice of the microstructure. Red colour represents cells of state cgca_state_null .

xx14std grains with GB, part of CA is outside of FE


xx14std cracks, part of CA is outside of FE

5-NOV-2015: CA rotated by π / 10 about axis 2 counter clockwise with respect to the FE CA.

Grain interiors with grain boundaries excluded, superimposed on a slice of the microstructure. Red colour represents cells of state cgca_state_null .

xx14std grains with GB, rot. by pi/10, part of CA is outside of FE

Cracks. Also note the jaggered boundary between blue and red. This is the results of the application of cgca_pfem_partin .

xx14std cracks, rot. by pi/10, part of CA is outside of FE

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